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induction plan is essential for ensuring the project's effectiveness. Communication of
information clearly will be upheld and ensure employees develop each other through mentoring
others (Yap & Jon). This is where experienced employees will take up the responsibility to
conduct teaching sessions in their areas of expertise. Regular monitoring among employees will
ensure there is continuous advice on how to improve. Regular group meetings where employees
take trainer roles as others learn guarantees manageable self-training without the need to engage
outsourced trainers.
Training variety explained
Variety of learning approaches will be employed to enhance all-inclusive teaching and learning
exercise. Within such internal audit self-training setting, employees will manage to acquire and
learn several soft skills and etiquettes. On the same, due to taking and exchanging teacher-learner
roles, presentation skills will be enhanced among staffs. Elsewhere, technical skills will also be
improved, thus raising a happier, productive, and more engaged employee. All these approaches
are crucial to employees and teams’ development.
Training effectiveness: How these sessions can be fun, effective and Resourceful
Such a practical skills enhancement program can be more effective if the employees are given
the freedom to know whatever is going on in the institution and what’s changing or needs to be
replaced. That way, they will appreciate the interest thus open up to such discussions. If the self-
training program can be aligned with achievable objectives, it will be of great benefit (Chambers
& Marjan). This gets more fun when it’s adopted in the bank's culture as will be considered as a