come unexpectedly through different life events and experiences. Also, aging limits a person
from certain life events and activities, and hence, one has to abandon certain things that he or she
used to do in childhood (Mehrotra & Wagner, 2018). James is therefore expected to either
celebrate upon having achieved certain successes in life or regret on certain issues on life. The
case shall analyze the case of James theoretically through evaluation of Cellular and
programmed theories to understand the perspective of adulthood and aging.
People usually have different feelings about the aging event in their lives. While some
feel that they have aged successfully, others may feel that they haven’t (Mehrotra & Wagner,
2018). The belief is, however, based on whether someone has achieved certain goals in life or
not. For instance, an elderly may feel he or has aged successfully for having brought the children
up successfully, educating the children, being productive, good health, among others. Health is a
major factor in aging (Bockting, Coleman, Deutsch, Guillamon, Meyer, Meyer III, & Ettner,
2016). Poor health facilitates aging and the physical inability of an individual to execute certain
routine duties.
On the other hand, a person with good health remains young always. In this essay, the
focus is to understand the individual experience of aging and adult development. We shall
evaluate the life events and knowledge of James Scott. The interview will be based on his
specific life events, habits, successes, and failures, his feeling on the aging aspect life of his life
as well as his advice to the young people.
Questions to Ask the Interviewee
What do you feel successful aging is? Have you aged successfully?
How did young life prepared you for the life you live today? What factors during your
childhood influenced what you are today?