Irrational Decision Making
Irrational thinking often stems as a product of the immediate environment that people
are in, which not only influences their frame of mind, but their attitudes as well. Nonetheless,
whether it occurs in personal or business circles, irrational thought may culminate in short and
long term consequences that can significantly impact inter-personal relationships. Moreover,
unethical decision making can often arise from irrational thoughts which causes tension,
arguments, conflicts and resentment to arise. It is imperative that every worker is imbued with
the keys to making sound decisions so as not to put the company resources in danger thereby
maintaining a positive and motivated working spirit with their fellow workers. The same
concept applies in personal circles, however, sometimes, the way decisions are presented to
people can drastically change the outcomes generated since perspectives can either be broad
or narrow. A distinctive example of irrational and unethical decision making is gambling,
which leverages the resources present based on future unknown outcomes.
A large part of irrational thinking stems from the emotions within human beings and
how they are consequently influenced. Without the emotional processing part of the brain,
human beings are unable to make any decisions. Therefore, when these emotions are impacted
or changed in any way, the decisions made also change (Paul & Elder, 2012). Being aware of
this emotional concept is one of the ways that leaders are able to ensure rational decisions are
made at work. Additionally, perspectives are integral in discerning logical from illogical
behavior. Whereas from the outside a decision may seem incomprehensible, the people on the
inside may view it different. They may experience a lack of all the information necessary to
reach a rational outcome or they simply don’t agree with it. At time, the skills to make these
decisions may be lacking (Power, 2017). For instance, for workers trapped in a mine with no
geographical skills, they may try pulverizing the rock around them, which not only puts them
in more danger of rocks caving in on them, however, they lack the skill set to make different