Running Head: Philosophies of Jesus Christ
between one another. The message of judgment was meant to change the hearts of men towards
living right and this also included forgiveness and repentance.
“Before Abraham I Am…….” (John 8:58)
This phrase used by Jesus, threw Pharisees and Sadducees into confusion because they never
understood how Jesus existed before Abraham and yet he still existed at that particular time. By
doing this Jesus was trying to give them a hint that he was indeed God because from the book of
Genesis (Chapter 1) during creation, God says “Let us make…” this implies that the Holy trinity
was involved in the creation process.
The Great Physician (Luke 17: 11-19)
Since time in memorial Jesus is known to have moved greatly in the healing ministry. Anytime
the sick met him they were healed and he also went to the point of raising the dead and that is
why he is referred to as the great physician. By doing this Jesus signified that he came for those
who needed help and not for those who were well. Therefore, Jesus believed in solving problems
and making the lives of people better.
The Philosophy of Faith (Matthew 17:19)
On one occasion the disciples of Jesus had found it difficult to deliver a boy from an impure
spirit thus Jesus had to intervene. After he had delivered the boy from the demon, his disciples
were curious to know why they were not able to do that and Jesus told them that they had little
faith and he said to them that if they had faith like that of a mastered seed they would command
mountains to move and they would move. Jesus believed that faith could do everything and he
explained it to his disciples.