Jesus as a philosopher

Running Head: Philosophies of Jesus Christ
Emmanuel Nasokho Wanjala
Registration no: EDS/M/1406/12/15
Institution: Kabarak University
Unit Code: EDUC 323
Unit Title: Philosophy of Education
Lecturer: Prof. Fredrick Ngala
Running Head: Philosophies of Jesus Christ
Question: Jesus Christ was the greatest philosopher. Justify this statement by citing his
philosophies in regards to the definition of “A Philosophy”.
The philosophical nature of Jesus Christ depicts that he was not only concerned about the
Christian fraternity but also the non Christians. His mode of life, speech and ministry showcased
a man who was full of wisdom and an upright character regardless of the situations that he
encountered while growing and also in his line of ministry. At the age of twelve (Luke 2: 46-47)
Jesus sat down with the teachers in the temple listening to them and asking them questions. This
shows that Jesus had the desire to learn the ways and culture of his people and furthermore his
responses to the questions he was asked amazed everyone who heard him.
Definition of a Philosophy: A philosophy is a rationale, justification, view point, explanation,
believes, principles and values which people have in relation to different problems or phenomena
and which are used to solve human problems and understand different phenomena.
Philosophies of Jesus Christ
Jesus Speaks in regards to payment of tax (Matthew 22:19-21)
People came to Jesus inquiring between Caesar and God who should receive their tax. This was a
trap laid for Jesus by the authorities to establish whether he had respect for the ruler ship or not.
Being wise Jesus asked for a denarius and asked whose inscription was on it and they all said it
was Caesar’s which justified that tax was to be paid to Caesar and not to God. Therefore he
Running Head: Philosophies of Jesus Christ
concluded by instructing them to give Caesar what belonged to him and to God whatever is
God’s. This implied that Jesus had the respect for authority and he did not compromise with the
set rules and regulations. Therefore he believed in giving respect where it’s due.
The Dilemma about John’s Baptism (Matthew 21: 24-27)
Jesus experienced lots of criticism in regards to how he moved in his ministry. To some he was
considered a prophet, to others he was a teacher but the Chief Priests and Elders of the temple
never understood who Jesus was. Therefore, they decided to question the source of his authority
and Jesus being wise also asked them to explain to him the authority that John the Baptist used
during his ministry. The Chief Priests and Elders knew that if they answered contrary the people
would call them liars and thus they told Jesus that they did not know the authority that John the
Baptist used. Jesus responded by saying that he would not tell them the authority he was using.
The truth is that this group knew that Jesus was using God’s authority on earth and all they
wanted was to find fault in him so that they could accuse him of blasphemy but Jesus understood
their mind and he had peculiar principles on handling such matters.
Jesus’ Philosophy on unity (Luke 26: 36-56)
Jesus believed in unity and that is why before his arrest he went to the garden of Gethsemane
together with his disciples to pray. This was a symbol of oneness because the times that were
coming ahead were hard. Thus he had to ensure that his disciples were together before he was
Running Head: Philosophies of Jesus Christ
The Prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32)
Jesus mostly used parables to convey his message to the people. He used the parable of the
prodigal son to teach about forgiveness. He spoke of a son who asked his father to give him his
inheritance because he wanted to establish himself but after that he went and squandered all but
he still came back to his senses and went back to the father and asked for forgiveness. By this
Jesus explained to the people that it was possible to correct any mistake no matter how great how
it was. This implied that Jesus believed in forgiveness.
Mary Magdalene and Martha (Luke 10:38-40)
The encounter that these two sisters had with Jesus carries a philosophical magnitude in the lives
of many. Mary sat down at the feet of Jesus while Martha made herself busy preparing food for
Jesus and she was offended as to why Mary never assisted her. Jesus through his wisdom advised
Martha to choose listening to wise counsel over anything else. This meant that wisdom is vital.
View Points
Jesus before the Council of Pharisees and Sadducees (John 11:47)
After Jesus was arrested he was taken before the council of the Pharisees and Sadducees and
when he was asked whether he was king of the Jews, he told the council, “You have said it.”
Meaning it was not his but their words. This depicted a high level of wisdom from Jesus.
Running Head: Philosophies of Jesus Christ
Jesus’ Philosophy on Justice (John 18:10)
When Jesus was being arrested, Peter out of anger cut the ear of one the people that were in the
company that came for the arrest but Jesus returned back that ear and he warned Peter saying that
whoever lives by the sword shall die by the sword. This signified that Jesus was a lover of peace
and justice and he did not embrace anything that subverted justice.
Jesus was 100% man as well as 100% God (Luke 22: 41-46)
The human nature of Jesus showcased at the time when he was praying in the Garden of
Gethsemane. He cried and said his spirit was ready for what awaited him but his body was weak.
This implied that the Godly nature in him was ready but the body was full of fear but all the
same he was encouraged by an angel of the Lord and he gained courage and took the challenge
of crucifixion. Jesus believed in the salvation of mankind.
Jesus’ Philosophy of Tolerance (Luke 22: 7-23)
Jesus tolerated Judas to the point of making him the treasurer of his ministry yet he knew that he
was the one that would betray him. This implies that Jesus was tolerant of this behavior and that
is why he was able to live with his disciples at peace. Jesus believed in tolerating each other.
Jesus’ Philosophy of Sin (John 8: 1-11)
Through his encounter with the adulterous woman who was almost stoned to death, Jesus
explains that no one is justified to condemn the other one because of sin because no mortal is
without sin. The people who wanted to stone the woman found out that they were also with sin
and so they left without touching the woman.
Running Head: Philosophies of Jesus Christ
The Parable of the widow and the judge (Luke 18: 1-8)
Jesus used this parable to sensitize on the essence of persistence in prayer to his disciples. He
taught them that they were to commit themselves to prayer in each and every situation. In this
case the widow was always on the door of the judge seeking for justice until the day when the
judge decided to give her the justice she deserved. Jesus taught and explained that persistence
always brought out results.
Jesus’ as a Scholar (Luke 2: 41-52)
Even though he was not taught in matters pertaining law, Jesus still proved to be well versed in
the laws of Moses and everything that the Prophets spoke about in the Old Testament. This
amazed most people because they failed to understand how Jesus knew all this. This is enough
proof that Jesus is the greatest philosopher.
The Mystery of Jesus as the Son of David (Matthew 22: 41-45)
The Pharisees understood that Jesus was the son of David but when Jesus asked them on what
grounds David did referred to him as Lord they were all dumbfounded and never bothered to ask
Jesus anymore questions. Jesus was simply telling them he was not of the natural but
supernatural all this was put in place so that the people could believe in him.
Running Head: Philosophies of Jesus Christ
Jesus as a Jew (John 10: 22-42)
There is one simple fact about Jesus and that is, he was a Jew. Many historians try to relate his
intellectual capabilities to the known scholars of this world but unfortunately he is above all of
them. Jesus carried and represented God’s wisdom on earth and that is why when he is rejected
in Nazareth, he says that a Prophet cannot be respected in his own home. By this he meant that it
does not matter the magnitude of wisdom or knowledge one carries immediately you are in your
home there is no respect for what you have thus Jesus was justified to say this because he was
rejected by his own people but accepted by other people.
The Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13: 1-23)
Jesus used the parable of the sower to explain the different characters of human beings. Through
this parable Jesus explained that we have people who accept words of wisdom and they use it for
the betterment of their life while we have those who listen but in the face of challenges they
make wrong choices and there are those who hear the word but friends and pleasures of life
cannot allow them to do the right thing. By this parable Jesus taught the people how to take in
advice and put it into action.
God’s Judgment (2 Peter 2:4-10)
Jesus brought good news which is the gospel as well as the message of judgment. He taught
people on how to live rightly and also how they could relate without experiencing conflict
Running Head: Philosophies of Jesus Christ
between one another. The message of judgment was meant to change the hearts of men towards
living right and this also included forgiveness and repentance.
“Before Abraham I Am…….” (John 8:58)
This phrase used by Jesus, threw Pharisees and Sadducees into confusion because they never
understood how Jesus existed before Abraham and yet he still existed at that particular time. By
doing this Jesus was trying to give them a hint that he was indeed God because from the book of
Genesis (Chapter 1) during creation, God says “Let us make…” this implies that the Holy trinity
was involved in the creation process.
The Great Physician (Luke 17: 11-19)
Since time in memorial Jesus is known to have moved greatly in the healing ministry. Anytime
the sick met him they were healed and he also went to the point of raising the dead and that is
why he is referred to as the great physician. By doing this Jesus signified that he came for those
who needed help and not for those who were well. Therefore, Jesus believed in solving problems
and making the lives of people better.
The Philosophy of Faith (Matthew 17:19)
On one occasion the disciples of Jesus had found it difficult to deliver a boy from an impure
spirit thus Jesus had to intervene. After he had delivered the boy from the demon, his disciples
were curious to know why they were not able to do that and Jesus told them that they had little
faith and he said to them that if they had faith like that of a mastered seed they would command
mountains to move and they would move. Jesus believed that faith could do everything and he
explained it to his disciples.
Running Head: Philosophies of Jesus Christ
Temptations (Matthew 4:1-11)
While Jesus was in a forty days prayer and fasting the devil came to tempt him and they both had
knowledge of scriptures but for every temptation that the devil had for him, Jesus had an
outstanding response which proved that he was smarter than the devil. This implies that Jesus
was full of wisdom and knowledge of the word of God.
The Last Supper (Matthew 26:17-30)
When Jesus was about to be crucified he shared a meal together with his disciples. He took the
bread and wine as symbols of his body and blood and he commanded his disciples to do the same
in remembrance of him in the days to come. This led to the birth of the holy communion which is
a principle associated with the Christian fraternity. Jesus made them believe in him and whatever
he did.
Jesus as the true vine (John 15:1)
Jesus referred to himself as the true vine and he encouraged his disciples to abide in them as he
abided in them so that they may enjoy the fruits of the vine. He went on to explain that he was
the tree and the disciples were the branches and any branch that did not bear fruit was to be cut.
He meant that every teaching that he had taught while them was to be followed in order to
produce fruits.
Running Head: Philosophies of Jesus Christ
Jesus’ Philosophy of Prayer (Matthew 6:12)
When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, he taught them the Lord’s Prayer
which is inclusive of repentance, forgiveness, glorification, prayer for provision and guidance.
Jesus made prayer easier for his disciples and he gave them a way via which they could use to
communicate to God. In this we now see Jesus not only as a philosopher but also as a teacher.
Jesus’ Philosophy on Compassion (Matthew 20:34)
Jesus had compassion for the needy and the sick and that is why he fed five loaves of bread and
two fish to five thousand people. This showed that Jesus was not only concerned about the
spiritual well being of his followers but also the physical. Jesus believed in compassion and he
went on teach his disciples that whoever had two coats was to give one to the one who had none.
The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
Jesus gave the parable of the Good Samaritan to the people as a lesson that they should show
kindness to anyone who was in need. The man that had been attacked by thieves was helped by a
Samaritan yet he was a Jew. Jews who passed that way and saw him never cared to help
including a priest but the Samaritan offered to help and even paid the bills. This shows that Jesus
was not a tribal man and he believed in assisting anybody and everybody.
Running Head: Philosophies of Jesus Christ
Jesus was different from other people (Mark 12:35)
The peculiar nature of Jesus proved that he was different from other people. His manner of
speech and the way he responded to issues since childhood represented someone who was not
only operating in the natural but also in the super natural. His level of wisdom challenged the
greatest teachers of the law during his time. There is no record that tells us that Jesus studied law,
this means that he carried the supreme nature of God and that is why he pulled a lot of crowds
through his teachings via use of parables.
The Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:17)
A Pharisee who was an expert in the law tested Jesus by asking him what the greatest
commandment was and Jesus answered him by saying, “love the Lord with all your heart, with
all your soul and with all your mind and also love your neighbor as you love yourself.” This
meant that Jesus believed in love and it also implies that love is the only thing that could bring
understanding and cohesion between people. If the Pharisees and Sadducees had loved Jesus they
could not have schemed ways to put him down thus Jesus believed that love was the source of
Humility (Luke 14:11)
Jesus likened the kingdom of God to that of little children because he considered them humble
and innocent. This he did to explain to the disciples that none would enter the kingdom of God
unless they had the heart and character of little children which is humility. Thus anyone who is
Running Head: Philosophies of Jesus Christ
humble is justified to enter into the kingdom of God and also to live rightly amongst his
neighbors and even family.
Loving our enemies (Matthew 5:43-48)
Jesus also taught that we should love our enemies and that is the only way that we could prove
that we have forgiven them. He said that anyone who did anything wrong should be forgiven
seventy seven times seven times which simply meant that no one should ever get tired of
forgiving or loving their enemies. Jesus believed in love and explained its benefits to the people.
Jesus was calm in nature (Matthew 8: 23-27)
When Jesus and his disciples were in the Sea of Galilee they encountered a storm and at this time
Jesus was sleeping. This made the disciples worried because their master was asleep and they
were at the risk of sinking in water fortunately when they woke him up Jesus calmed the storm
and they were able to move on. Storms are known to be violent, Jesus heard when the storm
begun but he decided to remain calm and when he woke up he solved the problem.
With all this attributes and level of wisdom Jesus Christ of Nazareth remains to be the greatest
philosopher of all time.
Running Head: Philosophies of Jesus Christ
Kreeft, P. (2007). The Philosophy of Jesus. South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine Press.
The Holy Bible. (1200-165 BC and 1st Century AD).

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