Juvenile delinquency

Research paper
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Juvenile delinquency
Research paper
Lack of proper parental supervision and family cohesion influence the reason why people
join gangs. Children tend to follow in their parent's footsteps. (Lachman, Roman & Cahill2013).
This is because the parents are the first role model for a child. It is therefore essential to ensure
that a parent has good moral values to ensure that the child does not enter into gangs. Lack of
proper supervision by the parent could result in the child feeling neglected and abandoned. The
child might get involved in criminal activities without even the parent knowing. A family is
essential as they help to build each other. The moral values the adults have will be transferred to
the children. You cannot teach a child what you do not know. In this essay, we shall explain
more about this. The hypothesis of this research paper is Juveniles delinquencies with gang-
affiliated parents are at high risk for joining gangs.
Criminal minds are like perpetrators who are looking for their next victims. Perpetrators
are people who teach others how to glorify criminal behaviors. (Ritter, Simon & Mahindra,
2014) They mostly use financial resources to attract their victims. An individual may only know
negativity because their guardians or parents instead of teaching them positive things taught
them criminal activities. You cannot teach what you do not know. The parent or guardian was
probably involved in a gang or with criminal activities, and that is what they taught the child.
This results in a chain of several generations being passed with similar knowledge. Unless
something is done immediately, very soon there will be no morally upright people. The world
will be filled with gangs and violence will be the norm. This chain needs to be broken. It is
difficult for people who are involved in criminal activities with family to stop because it will
require them to cut off all ties with the family.
Research paper
I feel disappointed and angry when I see parents teaching their children how to be
criminals. It puts a bad taste in my mouth. I have learned a lot from my experience with children.
One thing that stood out is that children with parents with a criminal mind or with parents who
do not provide sufficient supervision, are at high risk of child abuse, exposure to violence,
dropping out of school and entering the youth justice system. (Lachman, Roman & Cahill2013).
This is in comparison with children who are brought up with proper parental supervision and
parents with a definite structure.
Over the past few years, the number of parents who are teaching their children criminal
activities has increased. This is because it is easier for a child to steal without severe
consequences as compared to adults. If a child is caught during a theft, they can claim guilty, and
the punishment is not as severe as a parent who has been caught in the theft. Criminals use this
tactic, and as a result, more children are being introduced to the criminal world. They are taught
that this is the way of life and the only means to survival. Criminal activities are engraved in
their minds and hearts by the parents. As an individual, I have interacted severally with gang
member’s ad criminals in my early years. I know some of my childhood friends who have been
and are still involved in criminal activities and gangs. This is the only lifestyle that they know.
(Lachman, Roman & Cahill2013).
Parental supervision therefore plays an essential role in the life of a child. It determines
the kind of life that the child will lead later on. They will either be good citizens in the country or
end up in gangs. Family cohesion is both a good thing and a bad thing. Through family cohesion,
the family members are able to have each other’s back. This will ensure that no one falls and
ends up in a gang. Family cohesion on the other hand is the reason why people are unable to
Research paper
leave a gang. They will have to cut off all communication with family and family is very
important to a person from a psychological view. (Ritter, Simon & Mahindra, 2014)
There are several literatures, which will be discussed in this research paper. There are
field notes, which are very important and will help us analyze the hypothesis better. The first
literature review is a blood gang that has several members is having a meeting in the park. One
gang member yells to another asking if he has any biscuits. Biscuit is slang. It means a gun. A
young Latino approaches him, and they engage in small talk before he hands him a small
package. The gang member gives him Latino currency. Other members of the blood gang arrive
wearing similar clothes. They greet each other using a hand signal. A member asks the group if
there is someone who has go-fast. Go fast is slang for crystal meth. They begin to smoke and
make a lot of noise. I strike a conversation with a gang member called Ghetto Star.
Drug dealers gave him the name. He explains that the crystal meth is the new cocaine. It
is better and cheaper and it keeps him high for longer. He says that it is better than ecstasy.
Ghetto star has been in the gang since he was a child. A police patrolling the park scatters the
gang members. This literature review shows how the gang member has his or her own language.
This language is learned and spoken by the young members of the gang. The young ones have
also learned the hand signals of the gang. Guns and ammunition are openly sold in the presence
of the gang. The gang members are drug abusers. They have progressed from using cocaine and
ecstasy and are now using crystal meth. The gang members are given names in respect to their
jobs. Ghetto Star got his name from being a good drug dealer. The gang is afraid of the police
and they scatter immediately they arrive at the scene.
Research paper
The second literature review. Young children dressed like gang members. They are
sagging and flashing gang hand signals. They dance to loud music praising the gangster lifestyle.
They imitate the leader gang members. Slowly they are being groomed to be gang members. At
one side, teenagers are posing with a toddler dressed in gang clothes; other two-gang members
are in a playful fight on the street. Blood girl poses for a photograph. They are drinking a 40
ounce of oldie English 800. There are several children all below the age of 12 in the gang. Police
suddenly arrive at the scene. Several gang members are handcuffed. Children are initiated into
the gang lifestyle. This is the only life that they have lived, and they are enjoying it. They are
happy when they dress like the rest of the gang members. They even take photos to capture the
moment. Young girls are drinking alcohol. This is illegal by the state. These children have no
morals. They have been taught negative things. They will most likely grow up to be gang
members or end up in the juvenile delinquent system. They probably do not go to school since
they believe that gang knowledge is the only education they need. This literature shows how
family cohesion is influencing negatively on the lives of the young children. It shows how
children learn from their parents and their guardians (Lachman, Roman & Cahill2013).
Third literature review. A group of gang members is sited smoking marijuana. They pass
it around each taking a few puffs. Another group is weighing weed on a scale making
transactions. They are speaking in a coded language. They are taking words that begin with c and
replacing them with b. for example; coffee becomes coffee. Another gang member follows a
fellow gang member down the street and takes off his shirt attempting to fight him. There are
few younger gang members in the shadows hiding watching the fight. This review shows us that
the gangs have their form of language. This is to prevent outsiders from understanding what they
speak. The gang openly sells drugs and uses them. Most of them appear to be drug addicts. The
Research paper
young people learn from the older ones. They stand in the shadows watching the fight learning
the moves.
Fourth literature review. There is a celebration, and the gang members are getting ready
for the celebration. A barbecue grill is being prepared. Beer, water, soda, ice are put I a chest to
cool them. They are passing rolls of marijuana while engaging in small talk. There are several
couples when the celebration begins. Many of the women are cougars. They have come with
their children. Some tomboys appear in their early twenties. They are dressed in gang-style
clothing; they are wearing wide baggy jeans, fresh white t-shirts and Jordan’s. The celebration
was by OG for his homies. OG appears on the scene. As he addresses the crowd, he boasts of
being in prison for 26 years on the charges of murder and being the founder of the gang. This
literature review talks about how the gang values being in prison. The longer a member stays in
prison, the more respect he earns. They celebrate OG for the murder he committed. It also shows
the value of family. They have all gathered to celebrate and make merry as a family. Family
cohesion is very important in the gang lifestyle. The women set a terrible example for their
children. They are cougars, and they openly show it to the rest of the world. This teaches the
children that being a cougar is okay and it is okay to date a man who is younger than you are.
The young people have been initiated into the gang culture. They dress in a similar way to the
older gang members.
In the final literature review, three children are playing with two Latino women in the
park. One woman is sited on the picnic table braiding a young girl’s hair. Four black plays that
are roughly seven years old are also playing around them. Nine young men are sited on a picnic
table behind the playing children. They are sited passing blunts of marijuana mourning the loss
Research paper
of two gang members lost who were killed in 2017. There is a baby girl sited next to the gang.
This literature review shows how the gang members openly use drugs in the presence of the
children. They are smoking, yet children are playing around the area. The family is paramount.
The Latino women take time to play with the children in the park. Play helps to develop a Childs
memory. The child can grow quickly. The gang member also shows family cohesion. They
mourn the loss of their loved one. This shows the importance of family.
This is a comparative essay. It is a purposive sample. This means that both the pros and
cons of the hypothesis are discussed and analyzed (Lachman, Roman & Cahill2013). Various
literature was considered for this study. They were analyzed, and results and findings were
drawn from the results. A group of gang members was observed. The field notes were noted and
then analyzed. The gangs were all analyzed in the same setting, which is the park. Through
observation, many quality data was able to be collected. This is because there was no interaction
with the gang members. They did not know they were being observed. This improves the quality
of the data since it will be original.
Collecting data using this method will also pose some serious challenges. For example,
the person is merely observing. There is no interaction with the subject of study thus lack of
clarification if a particular action is not understood. Observation is also time-consuming and
requires a lot of energy. The gang members could suspect you are police who is undercover and
could plot to kill you or cause harm. There are there methods of data collection, which could also
be applied in this context. For example, the use of open-ended questionnaires. The children in the
Research paper
gangs could be given questionnaires to fill in. From their results, an analysis could be made. This
would also help in learning the study
The ex-gang leaders do not lead by example. They lead the young ones astray by
bragging about their harmful actions. The young ones look up to them and will tend to follow
their example. The family is significant to them. They mourn the loss of a gang member who
was killed. The ex-gang member celebrates to bring together member of the gang. The young
members who are being initiated into the gang learn the value of the family cohesion. This is a
good trait. The family, however, is also leading the young ones astray. They learn to how to
fight. The young ones sat in the shadow watching a fight going on between the gang members.
The young ones also are introduced to drugs and alcohol. The young girls are drinking alcohol.
There are no role models for the children. All the adult smoke and drink alcohol in the
presence of the children. They do drug transactions openly. Guns and ammunition are also sold
openly. This is not a good role model. The children will be impacted by the negative image, and
that is all that they will know. The women in the thirties and their forties are perpetrators. They
are cougars. They use their money to wheel in the young males to be gangsters. They expose the
children to the harmful lifestyle. There are however a few who try to teach the children the
proper way. The two Latino women in the park play with the children. They spend time with the
children, which help to create a bond between them and the children. The play is also essential to
the development of the child. The child will develop in the proper way (Lachman, Roman &
Research paper
In conclusion, lack of parental supervision has led to the development of the gangs.
(Ritter, Simon & Mahindra, 2014). The young ones slowly enter into the gangs without the
knowledge of the parent. They begin to live the lifestyle and become one of them. The parent
realizes this when it is too late. Peer pressure can also lead to people joining gangs. Young
people care a lot about what their social peers think of them. In today’s generation, being a
gangster and living a thug life appears to be cool and it is envied. The young people end up
joining gangs so that they can dress up like gangsters, talk, and behave like them. In the process,
they begin to adapt to the gang life and begin a life of crime.
Family cohesion influences people joining gangs. They are born into a gang and are
surrounded by the detrimental lifestyle. They have no option but to join the gang and be one of
them. Children who are from gang-affiliated parents are at higher risk in joining gangs. The
parents expose the children the negativity. This is because that is all the life they know. The
children end up as gangsters (Lachman, Roman & Cahill2013).The gang life has serious effects
later on in life. It results in children dropping out of school, child abuse, exposure to violence and
entering into the justice system
This is wrong. Our children are our future. We should protect them. All this is taking
place in where we live. In our neighborhoods, there are gangs where children are initiated.
Seeing people exposing children to this horrible lifestyle has left a bad taste in my mouth. It is
disconcerting to see all this.
Research paper
Goldman, L., Giles, H., & Hogg, M. A. (2014). Going to extremes: Social identity and
communication processes associated with gang membership.´ Group Processes &
Intergroup Relations, ´ 17(6), 813-832.
Lachman, P., Roman, C. G., & Cahill, M. (2013). Assessing youth motivations for joining a peer
group as risk factors for delinquent and gang behavior.´ Youth violence and juvenile
justice, ´ 11(3), 212-229.
O'Brien, K., Daffern, M., Chu, C. M., & Thomas, S. D. (2013). Youth gang affiliation, violence,
and criminal activities: A review of motivational, risk, and protective
factors.´ Aggression and violent behavior, ´ 18(4), 417-425.
Ritter, N., Simon, T. R., & Mahindra, R. R. (2014). Changing Course: Keeping Kids Out of
Gangs.´ NIJ Journal, ´ 273(2014), 16-27.
Van Ngo, H., Calhoun, A., Worthington, C., Pyrch, T., & Este, D. (2017). The unraveling of
identities and belonging: Criminal gang involvement of youth from immigrant
families.´ Journal of International Migration and Integration, ´ 18(1), 63-84.

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