Law 4
The problem
In order to fully understand the backdrop setting the scene of Ruritania vs OCGI, it is
important to understand how two very different entities can come together despite great
disparities. OCGI is set out in the North, having the capabilities and equipment required to
excavate resources however, very few such opportunities are present in the North. Ruritania on
the other hand boasts a wealth of untouched resources of undetermined potential. Perhaps oil, gas
or other minerals, however, low on funds, skill and equipment the untapped potential could
remain just that, untapped. Energy Laws govern the use of energy and its uses. It mainly takes
into account provision of oil, gasoline and even extraction of taxes. The practice of Energy Law
includes contracts for siting, extraction and who can carry out these rights. In some cases such as
the OGCI an International Law would come in, as it involves different States and an
International Oil Company.
In this case, OGCI came to an agreement with Ruritania for exploration of oil in the
Ruritania continental shelf for a period of five years with an agreed reimbursement amount of $
11 million. After a 3 years period, OGCI had managed to drill 11 wells for oil extraction at an
estimated 500, 000 barrels each day but Ruritania is not pleased with it. It boasts for its
exceptional Natural beauty probably enhanced by the presence of coral reefs. Ruritania is
concerned with the distraction of the Environment by the OGCI which is killing the fish and
interfering with the life of the coral reefs. This prompted the Ruritania Environmental Agency to
investigate their contractors and tabled a bill in their parliament to cut off any new awards of
contracts which was supported and passed. OGCI is suffering from the loss being accrued by the
immediate sabotage of their activities by surfers and the government though the government had