Surname 7
undertaking mission of unknown natures such as the implementation of the Obama care plan.
Much could have been achieved had the leader overcome his weakness of working only with his
proponents. Aside from exuding too much confidence in actions, which could result in
arrogance, the leader should consult widely prior to advancing the agenda of the nation. It is
equally necessary for the professor to liaise with other teachers in dealing with problems that
affect students in schools. Another issue is that the two leaders should learn about the usage of
different stratagem in dealing with problems that are similar to those of the past.
Self-improvement demands commitment to actions that result in the accomplishment of
desired goals. In the case a feeble professor, the strategy for improvement entails monitoring the
behaviors of successful leaders thereafter practicing the lessons for the successes of the leaders.
The second step entails coordinating with the competent in dissemination of information (Bonn
259). For a President, the situation is slightly different for the person since he or she engages in
behavior that augments his weakness. Instead of focusing on issues that create division in
America, the leader should formulates strategies that harmonize the efforts of both the visionary
and the destructive in the nation. My professor on his part should desist from threatening the
weak in the class. At most, the teacher should consult widely before categorizing student as
In conclusion, depending on the nature of the task, my professor and the President
should serve in accordance to the stipulated standards. This is because leadership requires one to
evaluate his ability before proceeding to provide services to people. According to form (DA 67-
10-1A) requirement, character, availability and sense of command are a crucial requirement for
persons offering such services. In the case of a teacher, the strengths demanded include
innovativeness and being result oriented. My professor has the strength beside exuding