Legal Aspects in Healthcare Management

Legal Aspects in Healthcare Management
Table of Contents
PART 1: CRITICAL THINKING .................................................................................................. 4
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Forms of Healthcare Insurance Policies ......................................................................................... 5
Claims-Paid Coverage .................................................................................................................... 5
Occurrence Coverage ...................................................................................................................... 6
Claims Paid-Coverage .................................................................................................................... 6
New York Medical Malpractice Insurance ..................................................................................... 7
Methodology ................................................................................................................................... 8
Findings........................................................................................................................................... 8
Costs of Malpractice Insurance Rates in New York ....................................................................... 9
New York’s, Medical Malpractice Claims Analysis .................................................................... 10
New York Medical Malpractice Payout Analysis ........................................................................ 11
Malpractice claims in New York compared to other states. ......................................................... 12
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 12
Part 2: CASE STUDY .................................................................................................................. 13
Mazarei verses University of Pittsburgh Medical Center ............................................................. 13
Definition of Issues ....................................................................................................................... 13
Provider Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 15
Root Cause Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 17
Root cause analysis diagram ......................................................................................................... 21
References ..................................................................................................................................... 23
The healthcare administration practice presents a continuous array of ethical issues
embedded in everyday activities. Healthcare Professional Liability Insurance also is known as
the Medical Malpractice Insurance. It is a form of medical liability insurance that protects
physicians and other medical specialists such as nurses, dentists from liabilities that arise from
wrong property damage, medical expenses, and the cost of laws suits that relate to such claims
(Gupta et al., 2016). This paper discusses the various forms of healthcare professional liability
insurance, defines such as both provider coverage and hospitals within the New York State,
United States. It will involve determining the various insurance types available in the state for
different disciplines of healthcare including an estimate of annual premiums, the amount and
purpose of coverage, and issues in coverage such as excel liability coverage.
Professional Medical Liability Insurance covers harm to the body, damage to property in
addition to personal injury liability. Discovering negligence is a complex process that results in a
higher percentage of medical dollars that go into the defense and the process of cost containment
(Motta et al., 2015). Thus, professional medical liability insurers often spend substantial amounts
of money in the investigation and defense of claims with adverse patient outcomes that do not
result from negligence.
Forms of Healthcare Insurance Policies
There is three basic malpractice insurance, and they include claims-made, claims paid,
and occurrence. The most common type of this insurance coverage is the claims-paid coverage.
Claims-Paid Coverage
This form of coverage covers policyholders for the acts of misconduct that occur and
reported during the period of the policy. The first few years of this policy comes with lower
premiums because of the significant gap between the filing of claims and the administration of
treatment (Paik et al., 2015). As a result, the claims made premiums tend to increase annually in
continuous scale until it reaches a stage of “mature” risk in about years 5 to 7 for individual
physicians (Gupta et al., 2016). An advantage of this form of coverage is that the insured do not
need to pay for future liability with premium rates based on the occurrence at present and past.
Besides, the claims paid coverage to enable physicians to increase the limits of liability when
they find it necessary. For instance, the liability limits in effect at the inception of the policy may
not be enough to cover a settlement incurred today. Thus, the physician can opt to increase his or
her liability limits. For the physicians, the claims made policy that are most desirable will
establish the liability limits available to the holder of the policy as those in effect the time
reporting a claim rather than the occurrence of the incident.
Policyholders need to be wary during the switching of carriers or in terminating coverage
because claims made policies cover only reported claims, and those arising from claims that
occurred during the time of policy effect (Motta et al., 2015). Thus, when they terminate their
coverage, the physicians should ensure that they extend their reporting coverage to a retroactive
coverage from their old carrier. These coverage cover claims recounted after the end of the
original period of the policy for occurrences that ensued when the program was in effect.
Occurrence Coverage
This policy insures policy holders against incidents occurring that occurred at the time the claim
was filed. In this policy, the insurance premiums paid will consider the future projections in
addition to the current experience. These claims are known as incurred but not reported (INBR)
(Paik et al., 2015). The occurrence insurance rates will increase very significantly due to their
difficulty in projecting the future claim expenses. Under this policy, the liability limits are those
that are already in effect at the time of incident occurrence. The advantages of this program are
that it is neither retrospective nor tail coverage is not required when ending the coverage.
Claims Paid-Coverage
This coverage is the most common among trusts. Under this policy, the payments are paid only
on the claims settled in a previous year and currently projected (Paik et al., 2015). These policies
are accessible often still accessible for a couple of years after termination of the policy.
Furthermore, they have restrictive claims under which a summons and complaint must be
received before the claim is considered formally made (Gupta et al., 2016). This means that the
policyholders that may wish to change from claims-paid from claims made will most likely find
it hard to obtain the retroactive coverage from new carriers. On the other hand, policyholders
leaving the claims paid carrier will be forced to buying a more costly tail coverage from the
claims-paid carrier.
New York Medical Malpractice Insurance
New York State boasts of the largest number of doctors in the country, but the insurance
environment is very unfriendly for them. Two largest indemnification corporations take up the
largest portion of the New York's insurance market, with the market being too tough that it had
required the intervention of the government in the past couple of years. It led to some doctors
shifting to Risk Retention Groups (RRG's) to handle the high costs of insurance (Farley, 2014).
In the New York, the statutes of limitation give patients thirty months to file a medical
malpractice against the physicians or healthcare providers. However, there are exceptions to this
period such has when a foreign object is left on the patient’s body of if the patient was a minor.
Exceptions also exist for mentally challenged and mentally challenged complainants and in cases
of physicians leaving the state after the incidence occurrence (Motta et al., 2015). In this case,
the plaintiffs are allowed more time. As such, doctors need to ensure that they consider Medical
Malpractice Insurance because of the possibility of finding themselves under lawsuits years after
the occurrence of the incidences. Furthermore, in the New York, there are not caps that dictate
what the complainants should be aware. Thus, there is a need for the physicians to have a
considerable coverage.
However, New York does not limit the attorney contingency fee. For instance,
complainants can work with an attorney and receive a $ 2 million award, usually pays less than
10% of this cost to the attorney. As a result, added to the co cap to damages, an ample
environment is created that favors the plaintiff and less favorable to the physicians (Paik et al.,
To understand the professional liability coverage in New York, this study interviewed with the
nursing home risk manager. The questions involved testing on such issues as the experience of the medical
practitioner regarding health practice professional liability, personal attributes of the workers such as
creativity, personal relationship with clients, job satisfaction, rewards, and views on recognition. It also
included organizational issue like the culture in the hospital culture.
The findings of the interview showed that professional education is very important for
developing leadership abilities with one respondent stating that effective leadership is not being a
boss but about inspiring. Furthermore, creative thinking was found to be helpful in addressing
issues in the profession although it requires a balance with the many regulations that govern the
industry. It was also found that communication is among the major causes of misunderstanding
and frustration among the workers and worse, medical errors.
According to Geerling, Chernofsky, & Pratt (2014), the care of patients is a team sport.
This means that it is not only the surgeon that makes a difference in the care of the patient but the
hospital provider, staff and even administrators should work together across all levels of the
system to foster the right patient outcomes. Research has proven that without a good teamwork,
anything can go wrong in the care of patients from wrong doses or type of medication, treatment
of wrong illness, or the patient may even acquire life threatening infections from equipment that
are contaminated among many other possibilities. Thus, as these findings indicate, it is important
to ensure that training among the medical staff is conducted to ensure that the risk of medical
errors is reduced. Such training must include the importance of communication, which crucial
for fostering teaming among the healthcare teams for better patient outcomes.
Costs of Malpractice Insurance Rates in New York
Due to a large number of frivolous claims against physicians and nursing homes, the high
costs of healthcare in the state forces doctors to move away from New York because of their
inability to pay medical malpractice insurance plan (Gupta et al., 2016). This situation seems to
be fuelled by the fact that New York seems to encourage groundless prerogatives by permitting
the use of ideas of evidence laws, which in other states are well below the minimum standards in
other states (Mello, Studdert & Kachalia, 2014). For instance, under the New York witness laws,
the law permits podiatrists to provide testimonies to cases of neurosurgery. Furthermore, the
complainant's attorneys do not even need to provide the names of the witnesses until the
beginning of trials. In fact, there is no requirement for disclosing witnesses name, but they have
to be "requested" according to the state's law (N.Y. CVP LAW § 3101). These problems in the
law have transformed the state's justice system in an unethical game that is only played for profit.
Lawsuits against doctors is one of the major reasons for the increase in the cost of
malpractice insurance. There is an increase in the number of these lawsuits and there is no law
that puts a cap on the amount a petitioner can be awarded by the courts. This causes the
insurance firms to charge very high premiums in order to cover these costs and remain profitable.
There is need to make reforms in order to ensure that these costs are reduced.
New York’s, Medical Malpractice Claims Analysis
The New York state also has few insurers include Physicians Reciprocal Insurance (PRI),
Medical Liability Mutual Insurance Company (MLMIC), and Medical Malpractice Insurance
Pool admitted as the only carriers. It means that there is little or no competition among the
malpractice insurers, which is also part of the reason for driving up the costs of access the
insurance (Mello, Studdert & Kachalia, 2014). Over the past couple of years, there have been
emergences of Risk Retention Groups (RRGs) which offer a more feasible option for the
hospitals through their modest rates in addition to providing new competitive forces.
The average liability restrictions in the states are either $1.3 million per claim with a 43.9
million aggregate limit or a $ 1 million per claim limit with a $ 3 million summative limit.
Hospitals will necessitate the carrying of at least the latter by the physicians (Mello, Studdert &
Kachalia, 2014). New York also uniquely written a large number of occurrence policies. These
dogmas cover the claims centered on their date of occurrence. Despite the fact that they are
costly, they will provide indefinite coverage to doctors. New York also remains among the few
state still writing unlimited occurrence policies. As an alternative to the written claims-made
policies, they maximum maturate is eight years.
New York Medical Malpractice Payout Analysis
With these challenges facing the physics in New York, there is a continuous debate
among legislators regarding the effort to make reforms to torts. However, the failed aspects
continue to cause most challenges for the physicians who keep in paying high medical
malpractice insurance costs (Smith et al., 2014). Despite the existence of caps on retributory
indemnities, there are not monetary and non-economic caps which results in paying significantly
among of gaps to complainants. These payouts have dramatically increased over the last three
decades to a staggering $ 500 million paid as damages by the malpractice insurance companies.
Malpractice claims in New York compared to other states.
Thus, one of the most important decisions for healthcare organizations and physicians to
make in providing healthcare includes the purchase of medical professional liability insurance.
The insurance sector is a regulated field and varies from state to state. Therefore, some coverage
may not be available in some areas. It is important to determine first the type of policy that is
right. The three major policies available include the claims-made, occurrence, and the claims-
paid. While these policies are similar largely, their major differences arise from when the
coverage is triggered (Mello, Studdert & Kachalia, 2014). New York State has one of the
toughest insurance environments in the country with two largest insurance companies taking up
the largest portion of the New York's insurance market, with the market being too tough that it
had required the intervention of the government in the past couple of years.
Mazarei verses University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Definition of Issues
A very unfortunate medical malpractice where a sharp surgical tool was left in a patient’s
body calls upon the medical facilities and surgical teams to be more attentive and careful at every
major step of their procedures to prevent further mishaps. In 2008, an elderly Pennsylvanian
man, Daryoudh Mazarei, aged 76 had to endure a none-month excruciating pain after a surgeon
at the University of Pittsburg medical Centre- Presbyterian left a 10-inch surgical tool in his
abdomen. Daryoush was undergoing a surgery that meant to insert a stunt in his chest meant to
drain fluid from his brain. A retractor is a surgical tool that can be likened to a pair of tweezers
that is during surgery to pull back skin or hold an item in place. In this unfortunate case,
Mazarei's lawyer contends that the surgeon assigned the operation failed to hold the retractor
throughout the length of the procedure as required and it ended up being sawed into him after the
end of the procedure. The surgical device remained in Mazarei's abdomen for a whole month
creating serious pain and discomfort to him.
According to hospital administrators and medical experts, it is rare to find medical errors
of this category. The New England journal of medicine reports that for every 30 million inpatient
operations conducted in hospitals and medical facilities in the united states annually, there are
only slightly more than 1500 cases of medical devices being left inside the patient's bodies.
During such occurrences, the devices most likely to be left inside the patient's bodies are
scalpels, sponges, and retractors. However, these occurrences are very traumatizing and warrant
major public policy making and decision making efforts to ensure they are prevented in the
Perry, Mazarei's injury lawyer, explained that no policy that covered medical errors of
this capacity because no medical administrator of professional anticipated the possibility such
large objects being left in such a manner in a patient's body. Mazarei's daughter first spotted the
retractor when she saw it sticking under his ribs. She also stated that her father kept saying that
he felt as if something kept poking him. It led to Mazarei approaching the physician and the
surgical team who had operated him, but instead of the problem is properly addressed, he was
told to go to a psychiatrist instead, without the matter being resolved. According to Mazarei's
daughter, the medical team felt that he was lying or that the feeling was in his head.
However, after their persistence, a CT scan was conducted, and it revealed that there was
a retractor lodged in his abdomen. It led to Mazarei filing a lawsuit against the hospital. In the
lawsuit, Perry stated that his client was already experienced pain due to the retractor of his body
and the order to go to a psychiatrist worse the ordeal.
This case clearly showed a case of failure in the part of the physicians and medical staff
to take care of the wellbeing of the patients. Considering the good standing of the hospital in
regards to facilities and staff, it is clear that the medical malpractice that the 76 year-old man had
to endure was a result of a failure in the human components of the system. This means that the
medical error resulted from poor working coordination among the surgeon and his assistants,
which could have led to confusion with the team failing to understand clearly their specific roles
in the surgery. According to Geerling, Chernofsky, & Pratt (2014), the care of patients is a team
sport. This means that it is not only the surgeon that makes a difference in the care of the patient
but the hospital provider, staff and even administrators should work together across all levels of
the system to foster the right patient outcomes. research has proven that without a good
teamwork, anything can go wrong in the care of patients from wrong doses or medication,
treatment of wrong illness, or the patient may even acquire life threatening infections from
equipment that are contaminated among many other possibilities.
Provider Discussion
The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center is one of the leading American health care
providers and has been ranked by us news and world report's "Honor Roll" as the among the top
fifteen to twenty top hospitals in America continuously for 15 years. As of 216, the hospital was
ranked 12
nationally among the best US hospitals and the second best in Pennsylvania. The
medical malpractice that occurred to Mazarei in the hospital was, therefore, a shock to the world
considering their high standing of the hospital.
After Mazarei filed a lawsuit gains the hospital, the hospital responded to the suit through
the facility administrators and their legal team seeking mediation between the parties. Perry
alters stated that hospital apologized for the mistake to his client. As a result of the mediation
efforts, Mazarei did not take the case to court and the hospital administration did not allow the
court to look at the CT scan showing the ten-inch surgical tool in Mazarei's anatomy for a who
month. He had to endure excruciating pain and discomfort in addition to the psychological
discomfort when he was told to go to the psychiatrist by his doctors.
SWOT Analysis
The hospital is among the top 15 hospitals in the United States and send in Pennsylvania a
strong brand name, has strong community empowerment initiatives, a large market share/
monopolistic advantages and large marketing budgets.
The major weaknesses of the hospital include monopolistic practices destroy hospital brand nam,
too much focus on overseas operations at the expense of domestic ones, public criticism for
excessive profits, and low wages to workers.
Despite the weaknesses, the hospital has the following opportunities, a focus on domestic
operations to improve reputation, the potential for improving worker morale through increased
salaries, and hospital alignment with other radiology practices to gain market share to attract
baby boomers
The hospital faces the following threats: high worker turnover due to low wages, ruined
reputation resulting from medical malpractices, increasing competition, decreasing
reimbursements, and increasing after hours work
Settlement/Legal Determination
After successful mediation efforts, another operation was conducted on the senior man
and the device removed. The hospital and the doctors could not explain what transpired so that
the errors took place. Perry commented that he was shocked and could not imagine how qualified
and experienced surgeons or physicians, assistants, and scrub nurses could fail to notice a device
that big, leaving it in their patient. As such, this case was determined out of court through a
mediation effort.
Root Cause Analysis
To effectively address a problem and prevent future recurrence, it is important to
understand its cause. For instance, in medicine, there is the difference between the treatment of a
problem and the treatment of a symptom. Taking painkillers for a broken wrist, for example,
could be helpful for reducing the pain, but it does not heal the bones properly because it only
takes away the symptoms. As such, there is need to provide a better treatment which can help the
bones to heal properly. The Root Cause Analysis provides a good method of that can help to
determine the reasons why the problem occurred in the first place. Thus, the Root Cause
Analysis identifies the primary causes of problems by determining what happened, determined
the reasons why it happened, and figuring out actions to reduce the likelihood of the same
problem recurring (Geerling, Chernofsky, & Pratt, 2014).
Root Cause Analysis assumes the interrelations of systems and event, stating that once
action triggers another action, which also triggers another and does on. Thus, by tracking back
these actions, it is possible to discover where the problem began and how it grew to become what
it is now. The major causes of problems often include physical, human, and organizational
causes. Physical causes arise from the real failure of some materials such as an accident caused
by the failure of car brakes. Human causes, on the other hand, human cases result from people
doing something or failing to do something. For example, car brakes may fail because of a
failure to fill the brake fluid. Organizational causes, on the other hand, result from faulty
systems, processes, or policies that people use in making decisions (Makary & Daniel, 2016).
For instance, when everyone assumes that another person has filled the brake fluid of the car
with no specific person responsible for maintenance and the car's brakes fail causing an accident.
The Root Cause Analysis can be used to determine the cause of the medical malpractice
in University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, which led to a surgeon abandoning a surgical tool in
the patient’s body. According to Geerling, Chernofsky, & Pratt (2014), the types of problems
that cause medical errors can be categorized into several factors. They also state that there is
evidence showing that the current medical culture is faulty because it promoted dishonesty and
conceals errors to the degree that it becomes difficult to learn from them for improving safety.
Makary & Daniel (2016) links the “slips” to the distractions that at eh normal routine of task
completion and mistakes with the application the wrong rules during the processing of
information. He also links knowledge deficit errors the lack of critical information. He also
found that some physical and psychological factors such as fatigue, illness, frustration, boredom,
anxiety, fear, alcohol, and drugs could also increase the probability of error occurrence. The Root
Cause Analysis is a retrospective technique that can identify the factors that can contribute to
mitigations efforts that are more effective.
The initial step in the Root Cause Analysis of determining the cause of the University of
Pittsburgh Medical Center malpractice is the definition of the problem. This step involves
understanding the occurrence regarding the visible happenings and the specific symptoms of the
problem (Makary & Daniel, 2016). In this regard, the problem is wrongly abandoning a surgical
tool in a patient’s body. The symptoms of this problem included serious pain and discomfort to
the patient and a sticking device under his ribs.
The second step involves collecting the data. This step involves looking for evidence that
proof the existence of the problem, the time the problem has persisted and the impact of the
problem. Thus, this step involves a careful analysis of the situation to ensure a full understanding
before looking at the factors that contributed to it. To this step to be effective, the experts and
frontline staff must be brought together to provide information about this problem. In the case of
Mazarei, the hospital administration and the surgical team could not explain how the retractor
remained in the patient's body. However, the patient was feeling as if something had gone very
wrong with a feeling go being a poke in addition to serious pain and discomfort. The problem
lasted for a whole month after the patient repeatedly seeking help and being turned away.
The third step in this RCA is to the identification of the potential causal factors of the
problem. It includes the sequence that led to the problems, the conditions that allowed the
problems, and other problems surrounding the occurrence of the central problem. It involves four
steps including appreciation, the five whys, drilling down and drawing a cause and effect
In this case, the possible reason that could have caused the problem may include
communication problems among members of the surgical team, incompetence among the
surgical team's members, poor staffing patterns, or inadequate policies and procedures. It is then
followed by a narrower analysis of these problems to determine their potential role in the patient
harm. Regarding communication, there could have been a lapse in communication among the
surgical team members causing a lack of clear roles in the surgical procedure (Makary & Daniel,
2016). It is a common practice that a person holding the retractor to keep skin apart on hold an
item in place should do so through the course of the procedure. Once the process is competent,
the person is then expected to remove the tool from the area of operation. A communication
problem could have confused in this area. Poor communication leads to a lack of clarity in
individual roles played by the team members. It means that different individuals will switch from
different roles increasing the chances medical errors.
Poor staffing patterns can also be analyzed further to identify the cause of the problem. In
this regard, an inadequacy in medical staff could lead to overworking of a few physicians, which
leads to fatigue, and an increased probability of medical errors. An incompetence among the
team members cold has also led to the medical error due to a lack of knowledge of the medical
procedures and processes.
With the identification and narrowing down of the potential cause of the errors, the fourth
step is the identification of the causes. It involves selecting the most probable causes because
after carefully selecting an analyzing the potential causes. In this regard, the causes of the
problem are poor communication and poor staffing methods. It is because University of
Pittsburgh Medical Center is one of the best hospitals in the USA (Makary & Daniel, 2016). It
means that it hires qualified and experienced workers in its facilities. Therefore, it is improbable
that the surgical team members lacked the required knowledge and skills to operate effectively.
However, typical of large organizations, there is a high chance of workers being overworked,
which could lead to fatigue, and consequently medical errors (Makary & Daniel, 2016). Besides,
when a health facility has more patients to serve and fewer workers, there is a chance that some
workers will be distracted continuously by the need to see different patients concurrently. Thus,
there is confusion regarding the roles played, as they will keep moving and reassigning duties,
which ultimately leads to medical errors. Thus, the causes of the University of Pittsburgh
Medical Center medical malpractice were ineffective communication and staff fatigue due to
The fifth and final step in the Root Cause Analysis process is to recommend and
implemented solutions. The major problem that the facility faces which led to the medical error
is staff fatigue, which resulted from a few staff serving large number patients. Overworked staff
tends to have lower morale and are less accurate in their work and prone to making mistakes. As
such, the organization needs to employ more surgeons into the organization to ensure that the
workers are not overwhelmed by the work they do, preventing further medical malpractices.
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