Surname 2
Simon was found in possession of rope, knives, gloves and a revolver which was licensed
this served as a great contributing factor towards his conviction for making different threats to
his wife and the conspiracy to commit murder. However, he has filed an appeal because he
argues that the case lacked sufficient evidence for supporting the verdict and his First
Amendment rights were violated.
The First Amendment prohibits the establishment of various laws that would in any way
interfere freedom of exercising freedom, interfering with freedom of speech and the infringement
of the freedom of the press. Similarly, there is a requirement by the supreme court for the
government to justify whenever they interfere or attempts to regulate the right to free speech.
Similarly, an individual may not be convicted for statements that are truthful (Esmaili para.3).
Simon was convicted by the court for violating the 18 U.S. Code § 1117. The key aspects,
especially to any conspiracy charge under the New York law, is based on a criminal partnership
involve two or more people with an aim of committing an unlawful crime. Conspiracy refers to
any form of agreement between two or more people with the aim of committing an unlawful act.
Similarly, the prosecutor is deemed to prove that the key participants had the intent and
knowledge of entering into that specific criminal act. Moreover, the prosecutor may not be
required to show any formal agreement but need to prove the existence of such an agreement
(Criminal Lawyer para. 4).
Due to these facts, I find it justifiable for the court to convict the defendant. This is
because being found in possession of various items that may commit murder and constant threats
to an individual including verbal communication may act as sufficient evidence for a conviction.