time that gives us the opportunity to view things from a different perspective. Commercial sex is a
practice that violates religious beliefs; therefore it is a practice that has been despised over the
years since it distorts traditional and cultural values, corrupting humanity as well as violating
biblical teachings (Dianne, web).
Prostitution is related to crime problems since it connects with various local groups who are known
as pimps who conduct prostitution as a business running it as per their terms. Here the involved
parties will be violated in some ways like being forced into prostitution, using drugs, overworking
the employees, low payment is also another factor which they may face since the pimps split the
money giving the workers a very low pay (Dianne, web).
Human trafficking is also another challenge that comes along with legalizing prostitution. A large
number of the parties involved in prostitution globally are as a result of human trafficking,
kidnapping, and children abducting which are conducted by this pimp groups. Since prostitution is
legalized, these groups will force the participants of prostitution threatening them with their lives
for the purpose of inflicting fear in them. Those involved in the prostitution of this kind will face
lots of suffering and torture since they fear for their lives if at all they report to the authority. Not
only will legalizing of prostitution increase on the level of crime but rather will make it a regular
thing that will keep on happening at a furious rate (Dianne, web).
In conclusion, in spite the challenges facing the legalization of prostitution, as it is considered to be
an immoral and socially unaccepted practice the government should consider legalizing the
practice due to the above-stated reasons. Concerning the fact that both men and women are
considering getting into the profession, bearing in mind that they know what they are getting
themselves into, they all have their rights which ought to be respected without any violation.