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pioneer missionaries. From Macau, they sent missionaries to China and Japan and using their
vast money they built churches Baroque and Sao Paulo (the most notable). The year 1586 was a
remarkable year because it marked a time when Macau was given the City status, the religious
and civic importance to the Portuguese was set in a declaration named City of the Name of God,
Macau (Edmonds 162).
When the Portuguese arrived at the peninsula at the turn of the 16th century, they were
looking for economic prosperity regarding trading to add to their strain of success in the Malay
Peninsula and India. Three years after arrival Jorge Alvares opened up trade with the Chinese
empire. With the Portuguese discovery of Japan in 1542 it became vital to find a base from
where they would have direct trading operation between China and Japan and Europe (Edmonds
162). By the end of the sixteen century, about 900 Portuguese settlers were living there.
At some point in history, Macau lost its foot in trading after the invasion of the Dutch in
Japan and its proximity to the Chinese authority. In the mid- eighteen century it was known as
the city of Women concerning the number of prostitutes and child slaves. Ironically what saved
Macau from falling completely was the involvement of other foreign traders on the South China
Coast. It was because the Chinese authority didn't allow foreigners to camp on their soil, so the
French, British, Americans, and others had to move to Macau to settle there (Wong 161).
Macau became the half-way point of this traders who built big companies and houses
there a time called an insular possession. It is during the 19
century that modern Macau started
to take shape. It was because of the arrival of a new governor Joao Ferreira did Amaral in 1846
and staked a claim of the sovereignty of the peninsula. (Li and Zeng 383-398). In 1849, Macau
gain independence from the Qing Empire, and Portugal declared it a sovereign state.
Consequently, in 1974 the Portuguese handed over the colonial independence over the territory.