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Monetary policies can be classified into two: contractionary and expansionary.
Expansionary monetary policies lead to a rapid increase in the total money supplied in an
economy, while contractionary attempts to decrease or shrink the amount of money supplied in
the market. Traditionally, expansionary policies have been implemented to combat increasing
unemployment rates during recession. The central banks lower the interest rates to ease credit
and entice business people into taking loans and expanding their businesses. More potential
investors are also attracted into a country so that they create businesses and increase employment
opportunities. On the other hand, contractionary policies are implemented so as to reduce
inflation. The impact of these policies is felt in the increased interest rates which, in turn, reduces
borrowing and investment. Practically, the IMF’s decision to advise countries on the need to
adopt accommodative monetary policies is justifiable. This is because monetary policies relate to
the management of uncertainties and expectations. These policies are impacted by interest rates
which determine the price of money as well as its supply in the market. Monetary tools use
various tools to influence economic outcomes such as exchange rates, inflation, economic
growth and unemployment. This implies that if the IMF failed to advise countries on the
expected global situations, then it would be risky for the global economy as a whole.
Monetary systems are controlled by Central Banks, which implement these policies and
ensure that the commercial institutions adhere to them. The monetary authority such as the
central banks have the power to alter the demand and supply of money which ensures the
achievement of policy goals. In addition to contractionary and expansionary monetary policies,
there is accommodative, neutral and tight policies. Accommodative policies describe a situation
where monetary authorities focus on creating or stimulating economic growth. Neutral policies
are intended to sustain an economy at a given level, while tight policies are focused on reducing