consumer. This way, the local products remain cheaper, hence attractive to consumers. Quotas,
on the other hand, are government-imposed restrictions on the number of specific products, such
as sugar, that can be imported within a specific period of time. This is the case so as to avoid
over importation that may kill the local industry. Quotas may lead to eventual ending of import
trades on some products. This is especially so if the local industry has the capacity to produce
enough of these products for local consumption and the resultant surplus meets export
thresholds. The three protectionist measures above serve to boost industrial production, and by
extension improve GDP and decrease inflation at home which, will, in turn, create employment,
thus improving the US economy (Söderbom, Teal, Eberhardt, Quinn, & Zeitlin, 2014). On the
flipside, such measures have hitherto seen the US reputation to the world considered selfish and
self-seeking. International trade has always flourished in a free and mutual respect environment.
China is the greatest trade partner of the US and recent protectionist moves by the US have seen
similar retaliatory moves by China. These protectionist moves by these two countries have
greatly threatened their trade and diplomatic relationships.
Second, the policy mix mentioned above will undoubtedly lead to improved or
strengthened US economy owing to its impact on GDP, inflation, and unemployment rates. The
ending of import trade tends to boost local production. It also bolsters demand for locally
produced products, making the private sector players grow and expand as a way of building
capacity to meet the ever-growing demand. This growth and expansion of the local industry have
a duality effect of increasing the GDP, lowering inflation, and lowering unemployment rates
(Mankiw, 2014). Moreover, labeling of locally produced products as “made in the USA”, serves
to instill patriotic consumerism. Patriotic consumerism increases demand for the locally
manufactured products, and lowers unemployment rates. However, untethered use of the policy