Furthermore, chapter 3 has enabled me to understand myself and my neighbors. It
has equipped me with skills that shape my personality in order to impact desired behavior in an
organization. Therefore, this chapter has given me the best way of dealing with different
environments at any given time.
Moreover, chapter 4 has enabled me to gain knowledge about desired values,
emotions and the attitudes of an organization. Therefore, I have gained experience on how to
manage stress so as to work-life balance. Further, the chapter has enabled me to realize ways of
properly managing my health and that of the workforce in an organization. Thus this chapter has
helped me know the best ways to contain my attitude has helped me relieve problems related to it
i.e. depression, high blood pressure, illnesses, and anxiety.
In chapter 5, understanding my motivation and its nature has given me an ability to
remain focused and keep a forward determination without retracting as a leader.
Moreover, motivation in the organization as stated in chapter 6 has helped me to
comprehend the manner in which motivation works in an organization and also acquire skills of
how to motivate employees by giving them rewards and incentives providing goal settings and
best job design, this encourages employees to remain focused at work. I also learned that
employees by giving them incentives and various rewards, it will help in enriching their job
In chapter 7, I have learned the best way of defining and differentiating several teams
and understand their benefits and costs and also gathered the ability to manage and promoting
the teams for effective performance. This has helped me realize the best benefits of teamwork in
realizing successful results.