Surname 2
Mark found learning with other students hard since he was in a class of about 20 and the
information being communicated proved difficult for him to understand and interpret. The other
children found him awkward when he put on his hearing aid, and he was often ridiculed by the
other students. Many times he got into fights, and the grandparents opted to transfer him to
another school. In his new school. Mark had a better environment, but his religion added to the
challenges he faced apart from being deaf. Being Jewish, celebrations brought problems for
Mark and his family, and he would often play baseball to release his pressure and stress.
Later mark was transferred to another school, and the major problem that he faced was
the inability to connect to other students and interact fairly. Although the baseball he joined was
supportive and he made many friends, Mark still felt that he was a misfit in the hearing world.
Many people were not patient with mark especially when they would go to parties and social
gathering since he would require someone to interpret what was going on. The feeling of not
being able to belong made Mark feel different and presented more challenges to his life.
While he was working as a supermarket attendant, Mark received advice to join the deaf
culture. It was at this point that he realized that he had tried for so long to fit in a community that
would always view him differently. Interacting with other fellow deaf people gave him the
chance to have deep and meaningful conversations with other people who were like him. At this
point in life, it was evident that Mark had found a purpose in life and was developing different
skills altogether. He became a better version of himself by learning how to live with people like
him despite the challenges they face living among ordinary people.
Social interaction in children Is a vital element in their development whether they are
normal or they are challenged with hearing disabilities. Friendships and social relationships have
been attributed to assisting the psychological wellbeing of the children that protects them from