Marketing Sample

Use of Information System in Marketing
Institutional Affiliation
In the contemporary world, marketing has become one of the most challenging fields. The
marketers face significant challenges, including managing their websites, identifying the target
customers, identifying the right technologies, generating traffic and leads, and several other
problems.Even though the adoption of information system (IS) in marketing is an effective
intervention to these challenges, marketers have remained hesitant to their approval due to
difficulties of costs, resistance, complexity, and maintenance. To increase acquisition of IS by
marketers, the problems can be solved through educating employees, gradual implementation of
IS, and preparing employees adequately for the adoption of the new technology.
Use of Information System in Marketing
In the present age of industrialization, the integration of the information system has
become an essential part of every organization operations. Information System (IS) refers to the
inclusion of activities of people and information technology in an organization, which ultimately
enhances the effectiveness of people and productivity (Kim& Solomon, 2016). Some examples
of mostly utilized IS are accounting information systems, data processing systems, and
marketing information system. The IS usually offers effective solutions to problems facing
various organizations department. Marketing is one of the fields that has significantly increased
the adoption of IS because of its numerous benefits, including enhanced decision making.
Although marketersfacevarious challenges in trying to adopt and implement information
systems, they should find ways of overcoming them, as the systems will help in performing their
operations more effectively. Implementation of IS gives a marketer a higher competitive
advantage; hence, it must be executed under any circumstances.
Issues and Challenges Facing Marketing in Implementing IS
High Cost of IS Implementation
Information systems usually have a significant effect on marketers and their operations.
Implementation of IS becomes difficult due to various factors. For example, the cost of
implementing the systems is high such that it is impossible for small sized marketing companies
to afford (Laudon & Laudon, 2016). Implementation of IS might require activities such as the
purchase of network infrastructure, internet installation, and acquisition of server computer,
which is quite expensive. Due to these expenses, the marketing manager’s feel that implementing
and upgrading their existing IS may leave their organizations at a huge debt, since they must
borrow some money to finance their execution (Laudon & Laudon, 2016). Moreover,
implementation or upgrading of information systems is associated with other costs. For example,
employees in the marketingorganization need the trainingto are able to work with the upgraded
systems. Additionally, its execution might require the organization to expand its infrastructures
to accommodate it (Laudon& Laudon, 2016). For instance, if a company wants to implement an
information system in its marketing departments, they must incur additional cost when paying
for system host and training the marketing personnel to manage the system. Therefore,
considering the cost factors, it is difficult for organizations to implement and integrate IS into
their operations.
Fear for Change (Employees Resistance)
Despite the advantages realized from the implementation of IS in an organization
particularly the marketing department, it poses a more significant threat to the employees. The
execution and its upgrade may lead to unemployment (Goldzweig, Towfigh, Maglione, &
Shekelle, 2009). For instance, some employees might not have adequate knowledge to operate
the new IS. Therefore, when organizations implement these systems, such employees are either
forced to improve their skills or quit their jobs. The employees doing manual operations in the
organization are at high risk of losing jobs when these systems are implemented. For example,
traditionally, organizations performed most of their marketing operations, including advertising
and delivery manually, and several people were employed to perform these tasks. However, in
the present days, much transformation has taken place since most organizations use digital media
and information systems to do most of their marketing operations. Consequently, a significant
number of people have lost their jobs. Therefore, employees do not support the implementation
of information systems, and it is difficult for organizations to convince them about their
Maintenance remains one of the critical challenges facing the implementation of IS in
marketing departments. The data in information systems require regular updates, a complicated
process. The company generates a lot of data, including customers, employees, and ticket sales.
If it integrates IS, it means that they are ready to protect data such as customers information, as
in recent times the world has experienced an increase in hacker activities (Galliers & Leidner,
2014). Therefore, as such, it is the role of the company’s IS planners to ensure the data stored in
their system is fully secured. Most organizations marketing team lack experts who can safeguard
the data stored in the informationsystem, thus remaining hesitant towards implementation of a
complex system, which they might be unable to manage and maintain.
Usability is another key challenge facing marketing departments in the implementation
and management of IS. In most instances, its user interface is very complicated, which makes the
marketing managers fear to use it in their organizations (Cassidy, 2016).Moreover, they worry
that it might end up risking or losing significant data. Due to the sophisticated user interface, the
results of IS are mostly not in a simple form when generated, and it might be difficult for a
manager or employee to interpret them. People want a system that is easier for them to use and
manage without sophisticated knowledge of IT or Information System.
How Information Systems offers Marketers Competitive Advantages
No distinct way of defining competitive advantage since it can be realized in marketing in
several ways. Different aspects of an organization are utilized to measure its competitive edge
against the competitors. For instance, it is possible to measure organizations competitive
advantage through various approaches, including the greater return of investments, brand
reputation, and higher profit margin (Jannesson, Nilsson, & Rapp, 2016). One of the competitive
advantages that make marketing effective and thrive in the market is its low pricing strategy
(Pearlson, Saunders, & Galletta, 2016). Traditionally, most organizations priced their
commodities high because of various costs incurred during marketing operations. However,
despite this shortcoming, the implementation of IS might offer the company a solution that will
help it to lower its commodity prices (Carlson et al., 2016). If the marketing department
implements it in their operations, the cost will reduce since they would not incur the costs of
activities like advertising manually or paying mass media to advertise their products.
The implementation of IS in marketing operations offers the benefit of increased speed of
operations and efficiency in an organization. Information system increases the convenience of
customers by reducing congestion and booking delays (Jannesson et al., 2016). Instead of
booking for products manually, they can perform these operations online through the
organization’s IS. For example, in the transport industry, information system makes it possible
for travelers to book their tickets at the comfort of their homes. Besides, people from diverse
parts can make inquiries about the train without going to the stations. Additionally, the customers
are capable of giving their suggestions regarding the improvement of the train services. Using an
information system is an intelligent way of running the business and making it realize a
significant profit (Jannesson et al., 2016). The organization that implements the IS system in its
marketing operations has typically minimal chances of failure, which gives it a greater
competitive advantage over others.
Information systems normally reduce the chances of failure in marketing since the
marketing decisions are based on proper data analysis by this system. Based on Hemmatfar,
Salehi, and Bayat (2010) findings, it is evident that IS rate of failure is very minimal, which
significantly increases convenience in the marketing operations. These researches assert that
organizations which implement information systems have high chances of success. According to
West, Ford, and Ibrahim (2015),if the systems are well developed and integrated into an
organization, the chances of organization success increases by over 60%. By use of IS, a
company can track its financial records, retrieve employees data quickly, and perform many
other tasks efficiently. These operations would cost an organization a significant amount of
money if it hired a person to execute them. Therefore, considering the numerous benefits
anticipated from implementation of IS systems, organizations must not hesitate to adopt them.
Companies use the information system as a differentiation strategy. Integration of
information system in marketing increasesthe effectiveness of their operations (West et al.,
2015). Marketing mix helps in differentiating a company's product from the competitors and IS
can help the marketer to perform this operation. In instances where multiple firms produce a
similar commodity, they have to create a strategy for attracting customers towards their product.
By use of an information system, a firm can analyze the competitors marketing strategies such as
higher pricing or poor promotion strategy and create a policy that gives it a higher competitive
advantage. A business might encounter various challenges such as economic recession and
disaster strikes. A good company should adequately respond to such problems through the
implementation of proper strategies. For a firm to respond well to such difficulties, it must be
dynamic, which means that it must correctly understand its price, promotions, people, and
products. The information system will guide the marketers in making the right decisions
regarding the challenges encountered.
Although adoption of information system is very expensive, its long term benefits are
outstanding. Research shows that IS system development projects are one of the most difficult
and expensive plans to implement (West et al., 2015). However, with the proper execution of
fundamental changes into the marketing operations, the organization will have dealt with the
complexity of these projects and sustain competitive advantage in the industry. Researchers have
devised some methods of helping an organization maintain its competitive advantage (West et
al., 2015). One of the proposed ways is a regular update of the organizations marketing IS to
ensure that the customer’s needs are fully met. The second method of reducing complexity of
adopting IS involves developing simple user interface that enables the end users to interact with
the system easily.
The adoption of information system helps the marketers in dealing with legal matters.
Communication integration between marketing IS and the system of legacy enhances an
organization able to deal with legal issues (Galliers& Leidner, 2014). Therefore, if it has an
information system, it will be easier to comply with the law as compared with organizations
without it.
Overcoming Barriers Related to Implementation of IS
Due to the challenges that marketers might encounter in trying to implement or adapt
information systems, the management needs to apply some strategies to prevent resistance. After
implementation, the organization experiences a variety of changes, including a shift from manual
to automated systems and evolution of operations. Therefore, one way of protecting the system
from repulsion by the employees is by preparing them adequately for the adoption of new
technology or change (Avgerou & Walsham, 2017).It will make them ready to face and
experiment with the new system. They will not fear losing jobs since they will be equipped with
skills to manage automated information systems. Secondly, organizations must not implement
the system at once but instead through a series of processes and activities, which would enable
the employees to familiarize themselves with it slowly (Avgerou & Walsham, 2017). Moreover,
through the gradual implementation of an information system, it is easier for employees to
understand its functioning correctly when it is implemented in phases rather than once. Thirdly,
benchmarking is another method for overcoming challenges of IS execution. As a way of
defeating fear, the organization might send its employees to another with similar technology for
training and education (Henke, Fäth, Hutschenreuter, & Wuttke, 2018). It will eliminate the
employee’s fear of losing a job since they will become conversant with the system before it is
implemented in their organization. A company can also shift the employees in other fields of
operations after implementation of new IS instead of dismissing them from work. Fourthly, it can
give them anearly notice regarding the implementation of a marketing information system so that
they can be prepared to quit the job when the system becomes functional. Lastly, before
deployment, an organization must first evaluate whether the information system is necessary for
their operations (Arvidsson, Holmström, & Lyytinen, 2014). It can create a dynamic model that
will assist them in knowing whether the level of desired success is attainable through IS
implementation. The success prediction model or instrument act as a way of facilitating the
expertise in the preparation of marketing information system plans. Since a relationship has been
created between the characteristics desired of the organization and the success level, the
managers can make the right decisions by the help of an information system.
How Information System Adds Value to Marketing Operations
Businesses that use information system have higher value than businesses without
information systems. Information systems that are expert based are ones that are intensive in
their software systems, combining the expertise of more than one expert in providing advice that
is specific to solve a problem and assists in marketing decision-making strategy (Peppard &
Ward, 2016). Therefore, from this perspective, IS significantly adds value to the business. When
an organization uses information system correctly, realize a series of significant advantages and
benefits can. The values include an increase in speed of operations, reduced inconveniences, and
minimal chances of error. The contemporary world is full of hackers who greatlyput at risk the
data stored in the organizations' information systems. A firm has to adequately secure the data
installed in their systems to prevent any attacks. The customers feel confident in organizations
that implement a secure system for protecting their data. They develop greater loyalty towards
them. Therefore, IS can also be viewed as a means of increasing customer retention for the
organization. Moreover, it improves employees’ retention since it makes it easy for managers to
perform their appraisal without bias.
The implementation of an information system in marketing operations is a complex
process due to various barriers, including high implementation cost, employee's resistance, costly
maintenance, and sophisticated user interface. However, despite these challenges, marketers
must not hesitate to implement information systems as they offer many benefits, including
decreased cost of operations, reduced errors, high returns, reduced inconveniences, and reduced
frauds, which ultimately gives marketers greater competitive advantages over other
organizations. Marketers can adopt various measures to reduce IS implementation
challenges,namelypreparing employees adequately for the adoption of new technology,
implementing information systems gradually rather than instantly, extensive employees training,
and evaluating the significance of IS before implementation.
Arvidsson, V., Holmström, J., & Lyytinen, K. (2014). Information systems use as strategy
practice: A multi-dimensional view of strategic information system implementation and
use. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 23(1), 45-61.
Avgerou, C., & Walsham, G. (Eds.). (2017). Information technology in context: Studies from the
perspective of developing countries.Routledge.
Carlson, J. R., Zivnuska, S., Harris, R. B., Harris, K. J., & Carlson, D. S. (2016). Social media
use in the workplace: A study of dual effects. Journal of Organizational and End User
Computing (JOEUC), 28(1), 15-31.
Cassidy, A. (2016). A practical guide to information systems strategic planning. CRC press.
Galliers, R. D., & Leidner, D. E. (2014). Strategic information management: challenges and
strategies in managing information systems. Routledge.
Goldzweig, C. L., Towfigh, A., Maglione, M., & Shekelle, P. G. (2009). Costs and benefits of
health information technology: New trends from the literature. Health Affairs, 28(2).
Hemmatfar, M., Salehi, M., & Bayat, M. (2010). Competitive advantages and
strategicinformation systems. International Journal of Business and Management, 5(7),
Henke, K., Fäth, T., Hutschenreuter, R., & Wuttke, H. D. (2018). GIFT-an integrated
development and training system for finite state machine based approaches. In Online
Engineering & Internet of Things (pp. 743-757). Springer, Cham.
Jannesson, E., Nilsson, F., & Rapp, B. (2016). Strategy, control and competitive advantage.
Kim, D., & Solomon, M. G. (2016). Fundamentals of information systems security. Jones
&Bartlett Learning.
Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2016). Management information system. Pearson Education
Pearlson, K. E., Saunders, C. S., & Galletta, D. F. (2016). Managing and using information
systems, binder-ready version: A strategic approach. John Wiley & Sons.
Peppard, J., & Ward, J. (2016). The strategic management of information systems: Building a
digital strategy. John Wiley & Sons.
West, D. C., Ford, J., & Ibrahim, E. (2015). Strategic marketing: Creating a
competitiveadvantage. Oxford University Press, USA.

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