Question One
The middle-range theories allow one to integrate theory and empirical evidence in
resolving some of the sociological concepts (Elo, Kääriäinen, Isola, & Kyngäs, 2013). The
concept enables the creation of verifiable propositions as opposed to broad abstracts. The
‘essentials’ provide an opportunity for an individual to consider creative and transformative
thinking in the course of education. There is a great need for the expansion of knowledge as
provided for by the increasing diversity and technological advancements. It is noteworthy that
the current global health encounters myriad of opportunities and challenges. Understanding the
middle-range theories assists in the creation of the approaches and interventions to resolve the
health problems. By integrating theory and empirical evidence, the world will be in a position to
fix some of the serious health concerns (Smith & Liehr, 2013).
Question Two
The theory of chronic sorrow offers a mechanism through which people gain an
understanding of how to relate to individuals suffering from loss or a period of sadness (Mercer,
2015). Such an understanding is essential in the clinical practice as it allows the caregivers to
generate the right interventions for improved outcomes. Often, humans experience challenges
and situations that bring along sorrow. Such scenarios affect the social and health well-being;
thereby, demanding appropriate management. The concept of self-transcendence gained
influence from the personality development theories (DiNapoli et al., 2014). It considers that
humans develop through interactions with other people and the physical environment. The
physical environment or the people could have either positive or negative influence on one’s
well-being. The role of nursing is to help individuals in the interpersonal and therapeutic
management of the environment to enhance the promotion of health and welfare. The realization