Mistrust Between Law Enforcement and Minority Communities

Mistrust Bbetween Law Enforcement and Low Income Urban Minority Communities
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Mistrust Bbetween Law Enforcement and Low Income Urban Minority Communities
Section 1: Introduction and Overview
For years, the major vulnerability of the minority residents in the U.SA is has been the
level at which the communities are were isolated from the law enforcement institutions and
organizations. The local isolation from the law enforcement agencies creates a huge concern in
promoting security and cohesion in among the minority communities. On an individual
perspective, the vulnerability of racial and ethnic vulnerability of the minoritiesy people is
recorded by the increased cases of deaths and incarceration of the minority people in the U.S
states. Most of the minority communities, including the Native Americans, African-Americans,
and the Hispanics, among others are mainly low income earners families (Van Craen, 2013). The
low socioal economic situation affects the communities’ resiliency of the communities to counter
the risks exposed to the minority communitiesies.
About 57% of the blacks involved in the survey conducted by Lerman and Weaver
(2014) concluded that the police performance was poor compared to 23% per cent of whites who
believed they performed poorly. A survey documented by Van Craen (2013) shows that the
minority groups, more mainly the blacks, had a discourse over the performance of the law
enforcement units compared with to the whites. In terms of policy recommendations, the drug
war enforcement policies were not able to reduce the drug usage due to the lack of trust and
communication between the law enforcement units and the monitory communities. For example,
the stop and frisk policy was reassessed and determined to be unfit in dealing with the mistrust
with the low income urban communities in the United States.
Among the low income communities, the pPublic trust in the police officers is important
in enhancing public security and safety among the low income communities. Citizens, living in
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high crime areas, experiences intensive policy engagements, community supervision, and
increased violence. The effectiveness of this criminal justice process depends on the ability of
the low income communities to work with the police officers (Weitzer, 2014). In certain
instances, the police might conduct aggressive strategies to deal with drug and gang-related
violence in a way that undermines the public confidence. Therefore, the report seeks to evaluate
the mistrust between the law enforcement officers and the low income minority people in the
United States.
Section 2: Two Perspectives
The main concern is whether the law enforcement officials have the capacity to improve
trust with low income minority groups within the society. One perspective is that the police
officers have done adequate processes in improving the trust among the low income minorities
and the law enforcements organizations. In certain instances, the U.S officials have been able to
create proper programs to improve the level of policing in the local urban groups. Largely, the
police officers do not have the capacity to engage the residents well due to the unwillingness of
the people to partner with the police. According to Lerman and Weaver (2014), the community
usually does not trust the ability of the police to engage them fairly. Improved trust can be used
in encouraging the residents to comply with the laws and becoming more ready to work with the
police in dealing with crimes and preventing potential crimes. There is a strong relationship
between police legitimacy and safety, which is useful in improving the willingness to report
crimes in compliance with the law.
The trust between the urban minority communities and the police increased following the
increased raised shooting of black men in the United States. For example, the police officers are
faceing problems in rebuilding the trust in the urban neighborhoods in Michigan state levels.
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Van Craen (2013) noted that the blacks dido not have any confidence with the police departments
unlike the whites who seemeds to have a high level of confidence with the police departments.
The reduced confidence of the police units by the minority groups raises concerns on promoting
trust among the communities. Living the urban areas, Tthe minority communities living the urban areas noted that they
were treated badly by the law enforcement officials. The bias in the criminal justice process also
created concerns on the need to improve proper assessment of racial discrimination by the police
The cases of police brutality have been blamed for the destruction of trust between the
law enforcement and the minority communities from the emergency services. For
exampleinstance, black communities in certain U.S states avoided calling the police officers due
to the lack of proper actions and changes in the promoting public trust and honesty in certain US
states. The law enforcement units have raised concerns on the increased public debate about the
cases of police abuse, which causeds bad outcomes. Even though the media have is freedom, the law
enforcement agencies raise concerns on about the reporting of police violence. The reporting of the
police violence is critical in promoting democracy. The increased violence cases leads to the
breakdown of the trust between the law enforcement and the minority communities. The pProper public
participation is critical in promoting the development of strategies in managing the social actions
that expands public acceptance. The law enforcement units should improve and promote the social
order and processes critical in the U.S states.
The engagement of transparent and rule based decision making processes are useful in
supporting policeing policies and fair actions. Other important improvements that should be
made it toaimed at respecting the people as well asand promoting the level of trustworthiness.
The respect of people helps in understanding the level of dignity and the communication of the
proper rights and actions. It is also critical in the depicting the sensitivity to the needs of the people.
Therefore, effective policing within the U.S minority communities would promote public trust
and confidence.
The stop and frisk policy is one of the programs implemented by the police units
targeting the black communities. The policy was highly criticized as it increased prejudice
against the black communities in the criminal justice process. Most of the police departments
were advised to perform additional interrogation oin the minority communities. Such programs
highlighted the poor engagement of the police in promoting growth in the neighborhood minority
areas (Van Craen, 2013). To deal with such bad policies, the U.S government made efforts to
prohibit the usage of stop and frisk in police investigations. Such an aspect allowed for the
proper policing and engagements of the community to improve the cooperation between the
police and the minority communities. In the U.S cities and states whereby the police are worked
well with the communities well, the level of trust and engagements has improved leading to a safer
environment and community. The police should advocate for good policing actions rather than
discriminatory actions that would undermine the trust by the minority communities.
However, the high crime rates among the minority communities should not be
undermined well. It is important for the urban minority communities to assign good actions and
strategies useful in countering violent and high crime rates in the communities (Smith & Holmes,
2014). Community actions are usually useful in ensuring that the wrongdoers within the
community are held responsible for their actions within the community. Increased public
engagements are usually useful in enhancing partnerships with the varied police measures. In
spite of all, the law enforcement agencies must invest in significant efforts towards creating
adequate trust to deal with difficulties and misunderstandings relateding to proper judgment.
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In addition, the law enforcement officers have been unable to deal with the high level of
negative perception in the communities. Most black communities do not trust the police due to
the high conflict relationships facing them in the low income communities. Considering the low
socioeconomic status in the minority communities, the police face huge concerns. For years, the
police officers have continued to face hostility and lack of trust from the communities. At times,
police officers have been killed by the representatives of the minoritiesy, communities
highlighting the high level of crimes and lack of support for the law enforcement officials. The
policing reforms should be able to focus on the nature and implications of the negative attitude
and perception about the law enforcement organizations.
Van Craem (2013) highlighted that it iwas critical to acknowledge the challenges facing
the communities. The police should be able to accept the issues raised by the communities and
promise to take proper actions. Controversial police use of force and other situations canould
damage the relationship between the community and the police. In certain cases, the perceived
behavior of misconduct by police officers damages the police and community relationships
significantly. They It could can also lead to reduced trust between the police officers and the
communities. For example, the police should accept the history of racial inequalities among the
minorities and other persons who face increased injustice among from the police officers.
The police should never ignore the negative ideas of people with the law enforcement
units. For example, there are people with evidence of certain police departments who had
institutionalized the racial discrimination aspects. Civil right leaders explained that most police
officers should understand the history of racial inequalities in the United States and take proper
action to change their human attitude (Wu, Lake, & Cao, 2015). The police should be able to
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understand that the communities there is legitimate legally mistrust of the police by the communities because of racial laws that hurts
certain communities significantly than others.
The second perspective is the failure of the law enforcement agencies to improve trust
with the low income urban communities. The perception of the implementation of laws has been
a huge concern in the control and the prevention of crimes in the society. The negative views
about the criminal justice systems leads to legal cynicism whereby residents do not work with
the police and do not report the crimes occurring in the society. The low income urban
communities with high rates of legal cynicism have high level of crimes rates and low level of
efficiency (Wu, et al., 2015). A self-reinforcing and promoting process of noncooperation of
residents undermines the process of law enforcement towards viewing people as supportive to
the crime problems. On the other handHowever, the residents usually perceive the police officers
as ineffective and biased. The testing of the police is usually critical in understanding the lack of
trust among the residents in the low income neighborhoods.
In this perspective, the police officers should be concerned about the race relations. Smith
and Holmes (2014) have records stated that there is a huge concern about the race relations in the United
States; as more blacks than the whites are concerned about the performance of the law enforcement
engagements. The adverse racial relations also hurt health care, economic issues, and violence in
the states. The law enforcement agencies should come up with proper awareness programs to
heal the racial divisionde in the society. It is clear that the blacks do not have the trust tof the police
due to the reported cases of discrimination by some police officers. The police leaders should
show their commitment and efforts in dealing with the rouge police officers who discriminate upon the
minority communities.
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Smith and Holmes (2014) have also recorded race as a serious problem that undermines
the trust levels within the society. However, the race problem is tied to other problems such as
the increased usage of drugs and low socioeconomic status. Most minority communities lives in
poverty and often engage in crimes to improve their earnings potential. The law enforcement
organizations should be able to relate well with the minority communities. Historically, the race
relations have remained as key deterrents to improved engagements between the minority
communities and the police officers.
The police relations with the urban minority communities have been worsening for
many years. The law enforcement officials are unable to promote equal protection on the based
on the U.S laws and legislations. For pPolice officers units, they should be convicted if they are
involved in the unjustified way. Black people have mainly resorted into protests to highlight their
anger against the poor treatment by the police officers. The criminal justice systems should be
improved to ensure that the level of police brutality is countered well. Social actions should be
taken in improving the level of community engagements in the law enforcement agencies. The
police officers must have residence in the cities they work and patrol. Through such an action,
the police would be able to live with the minority people and share social amenities. The
residence in the neighborhoods is useful in promoting community engagements and expansion.
The police officers should ensure that they create proper profiles to promote safety and
protection of the people human interests.
It is important to perform advanced cultural and sensitivity training among the varied
aspects. Such measures are useful in protecting the stakeholders in the society well. The
bBuilding of trust and repair of racial divisionde and engagement with the police remains vital in
eliminating the potential flaws and injustices within the police. All injustices must be addressed
well appropriately to promote peaceful engagement and changes in the urban minority communities.
Largely, the local law enforcement organizations should define and improve the peaceful
coexistence and engagements in a better way. Both strategies should be taken in retaining long term engagements
and actions about creating and maintaining trustful relationships.
Section 3: Literature Review
According to a research work by Brunson and Gau (2015), it found out that the U.S law
enforcement officials have been unable to capture perceptions of the communities. Through the
surveys conducted, it was determined that the proper understanding of perceptions of the police
officers iwas linked with to the perceptions of the safety and community welfare. For example,
the element of procedural justice is critical in promoting public awareness about the police
shootings of its community residents. The element of procedural justice usually comprises of
four beliefs on the perspective of the residents including that people should have a voice while
engaging with the police, the police must be trustworthy, the legalizations should be fair and
followed, and the police officers must implement the laws failure (Brunson & Gau, 2015). In real
life perspective, when the police conduct their work in a fair procedure, they increase the
opportunity for the people to have influence and say in their lives. It also helps in treating the
minority people with respect and dignity.
Most importantly, Peck (2015) explains to the people the reasons for the actions and
decisions being taken against thempeople. In most occasions, the police officers do not engage
the public well oin their actions, that and it undermines the transparency required to promote
trust within the public in the minority areas. The last aspect of procedural justice is promoting
fairness and impartiality in the engagements with the minority people. In spite of the procedural
justice, the community perceptions also undermine the role and success of law enforcement
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among the minority dominated communities (Gau, & Brunson, 2015). When there is negative
perception about the police’s performance, the communities willould lack the trust with the law
enforcement organizations. The mistrust of the low income communities with the law
enforcement is increased by police brutality and bias.
According to thean empirical research by Eitle, D’Alessio and Stolzenberg (2014), the
increased cases of public shootings of police officers and people of color demanded for swift
actions to improve the relationships between the police officers and the black community. The
empirical findings recommended foe the implementation of co-screening of police by the people
and promoted the evaluation and promotionof aspects based on the frequency of the community
engagements and reduction of crimes (Eitle, et al., 2014). For example, cities such cities as New
Orleans and Washington they have engaged in community engagements of the law enforcement
officials and the minority groups offering strong racial healing through the acknowledgment of
historical responsibility of policing in the establishment of racial inequalities.
Apart from the efforts byof the cities, elected persons are takeing additional efforts to strengthen
the relationships between the local communities and the police officers. Smith and Holmes
(2014) have determineds that there are five areas to for improvement of law enforcement
engagement with the community, which includes the engagements of the community in oversight
and planning, expansion of the police training, growing youth development, the connection of
the residents to quality resources, and the building of personal interactions between the police
officers and the communities. The engagements of the community in planning and improved
oversight are is useful in creating of comprehensive violence prevention actions. Agreements are
useful in promoting the and sharing of data and expanding prevention plans (Smith & Holmes,
2014). The establishment of success metrics is useful in understanding the critical strategies
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necessary to improve trust among the communities and the law enforcement officials. Other
aspects of community engagement are the creation of sharing plans with trusted stakeholders in
the community.
Tyler, Fagan and Geller (2014) shows the need for growing training and support of police
units, which would will also assists in growing the understanding of the community culture and
reducing minority bias by from the side of the police officers. Some of the training programs
include cultural competency training, implicit bias programs, and training of the police officers
as well as the recruitment of the minority police officers. The empirical research also insists on
the need to invest in youth development through police academy, cadet program and safety
campaigns among others. In addition, Tyler et al. (2014) determined that the strong relationships
between the communities and police units are critical in promoting public safety and quality
policing. Law enforcement officers mainly relyies on the cooperation of the communities in
getting information about potential crimes and work with the law enforcement officers in
creating proper strategies to deal with crime problems. The research has also confirmed that the
willingness of the community to trust the police relies on whether the community believes in the
police strategies reflecting the community values and promotes the principles of legitimacy and
procedural peace.
An empirical study by Weitzer (2014) emphasized on the need of promoting transparency
and accountability in the law enforcement engagements with the public. The police officers
should always be transparent with the public, more so specifically in the minority communities.
When incidents occur, the law enforcement agencies should provide all information possible to
the community and should not make the communityies think that they are hideing some
information. The police officers should also clarify the initial information that might be
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available is only preliminary and it might change with time. Police leaders should also continually
clarify any further changes and modification of information. On a daily basis, the police units
should provide information on the websites summarizing the policies used by the units,
addressing community complaints and other concerns.
Greene (2014) recommended that policing should embrace a culture of transparency and
accountability critical in reviewing the posting information on the websites. The assessment of
the websites’ information on the websites and other law enforcement information based on the
demographics is important in shaping the reporting of crimes and other law enforcement
information based on the demographics. The law enforcement agencies should obtain
accreditation from the accreditation agencies to show their commitment in promoting excellence
among the law enforcement units (Greene, 2014). Improving trust with the communities also
focuses on creating proper measures for external oversight including the external review boards
on the internal activities of the law enforcement units.
Most importantly, Weitzer (2014) recommends the importance of taking proper steps and
measures in reducing the level of bias as well as improving the cultural competency. Most civil
rights organizations and police units recommend police officers at the different levels must to
obtain training on bias, cultural competency, and diversity aspects. Most cities and organizations
compriseds of communities with diverse racial and ethnic cultures to communicate the clear
cultural norms on the diverse groups. The police units offer proper training on implicit bias and
the nature of cultural responsiveness.
Potential Policy Recommendations
To deal with the mistrust between the law enforcement and the urban minority
communities, various policy recommendations can be implemented accordingly. The first policy
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action is the creation of specific guidelines for the policey departments to deal with the mistrust and
conflicts with the minority communities. The training of the specific guidelines and programs for
the law enforcement officials is useful in promoting cohesion in the society. The training
practices usually give the police officials’ proper guidelines to align with the various incidents and
come up with actions to resolve the problems. However, training cannot be able to change the
emotional attitude relateding to the race and policing programs (Wolfe, Nix, Kaminski, & Rojek, 2016).
Currently, the police training should be focused base on informing the police officers about the legal backgrounds, procedures, and proper police
tactics. The training programs should be focused on informing the police officers about the historical
guidelines to of communications training. Such trainings would be useful will help in reducing
the vulnerability of law enforcement engagements with the low income urban minority
Other police reforms that should be implemented in promoting trust between the police
and minorities includes the creation of community policy initiatives in the society. The
community policy programs helps in promoting the close interactions and the communication
with the urban minoritiesy people. Community policy depends on the collaboration with the
varied stakeholders including business and other local people to promote proactive approaches to
reduce and prevent crimes and social disorders. According to Wolfe et al. (2016), the use of
community policing would help in promoting community responsiveness to safety issues raised
by the law enforcement agencies. For example, the police officers would be able to become more
responsible in dealing with the inappropriate behavior within the community. Largely, the
minority groups have been unable to engage the police well due to the lack of proper ways of
communications. However, the community policy programs would will help in improving the
local trust between the neighborhoods and the law enforcement officials. It is also
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recommendable to offer incentives to the police working in the urban neighborhoods with
minority communities. The incentives willould help assist the police to in becomeing motivated
to work with the minority groups well.
Most importantly, the demand for departments to hire more qualified minority officers is
useful in reducing the challenges of policing in the low income minority communities. The
minority officers would be involved in promoting trust and proper engagements with their local
communities. At times, it is difficult to engage the minority communities well due to the lack of
people who they can relate with well. The hHiring of the qualified minority officers would help
in reducing prejudice and promoting the trust between the local minority communities and the
law enforcement officers (Lerman & Weaver, 2014). Other policy recommendations and changes
would be to require all the police officers to take racial bias education and training. Such
trainings would be useful in promoting the growth of acceptance and lowering the racial tensions
between the minorities and the police officers.
It is also necessary for the police executives to reduce the potential bias and improve the
level of cultural competency. The police executives are useful in recommending all police offices
to obtain training on diversity and cultural competency. Most cities have communities with
diverse racial and ethnic cultures useful in communicating effectively to understand the cultural
values and norms of the diverse groups (Wu, et al., 2015). It is useful in recommending the
police units to offer quality recruit training and in-service programs on cultural responsiveness.
The proper maintenance of collaboration is critical within the communities. Most people should
engage with the police on the various contexts. Such situations could lead to the creation of
negative relationships with the police engagements.
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Getting opportunities to engage with the community residents is a good approach in
reducing the level of bias. The empirical suggestion by Tyler et al (2014) is useful in ensuring
that the residents eliminate the personal problems and overcomeing the stereotypes. Police units
must document the law-abiding people among the low income units when the police are
suspicious. The personal engagements between the community members and police officials are
useful in creating good mutual trust that is useful in addressing problems and lowering crimes
(Gau, & Brunson, 2015). The pPolice officials should work with the community and other local
government units to promote the active involvement of police officers to improve peace and
cohesion. For example, the police officers canould engage in peace marches and other events
that bring them close to the communities.
Finally, it is recommendable to promote the level of internal diversity and support
professional growth opportunities. Police agencies must present policing as the right profession
that supports the recruitment of people with the realistic opportunity to counter police mistrust
with the communities (Wolfe, et al., 2016). The police agencies must improve their efforts in the
recruitment and promotional process that supports the overall diversity of the units by the varied
agencies. The internal efforts helps to deal with the limitations associated with the mistrust by
the minority people. For example, the promotional strategy of police organizations must ensure
that diverse police officers get opportunity to lead the agencies. The internal processes of the
police departments relating to recruitment, promotions, and other aspects must be fair and
In summary, there has been is an historical mistrust between the law enforcement
agencies and the urban minority communities. The local isolation from the law enforcement
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agencies and units develops a huge concern in promoting security in the urban minority
communities. On an individual perspective, the vulnerability of racial and ethnic vulnerability of
the minoritiesy people is recorded by the increased cases of deaths and incarceration of the
minority people in the U.S states. For many years, the law enforcement officials must have
continued to face hostility and lack of trust from the communities. In most occasions, police
officers have been killed by the minority communities determining the high level of crimes and
lack of support for the law enforcement officials. Some of the policy recommendations to deal
with the mistrust of the law enforcement officials include creating improved level of internal
diversity and support professional growth opportunities. The police agencies must improve their
programs of the recruitment and promotional process that supports the overall diversity of the
units by the varied agencies. It is also recommendable for the police executives to reduce the
potential bias and improve the level of cultural competency. Other police reforms include the
establishment of community policy initiatives in the society. Community policy depends on the
collaboration with the varied stakeholders including business and local citizens to enhance
proactive strategies to reduce and prevent crimes.
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Brunson, R. K., & Gau, J. M. (2015). Officer race versus macro-level context a test of competing
hypotheses about black citizens’ experiences with and perceptions of black police
officers. Crime & Delinquency, 61(2), 213-242.
Eitle, D., D’Alessio, S. J., & Stolzenberg, L. (2014). The effect of organizational and
environmental factors on police misconduct. Police Quarterly, 17(2), 103-126.
Gau, J. M., & Brunson, R. K. (2015). Procedural injustice, lost legitimacy, and self-help: Young
males’ adaptations to perceived unfairness in urban policing tactics. Journal of
Contemporary Criminal Justice, 31(2), 132-150.
Greene, J. R. (2014). New directions in policing: Balancing prediction and meaning in police
research. Justice Quarterly, 31(2), 193-228.
Lerman, A. E., & Weaver, V. (2014). Staying out of sight? Concentrated policing and local
political action. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,
651(1), 202-219.
Peck, J. H. (2015). Minority perceptions of the police: A state-of-the-art review. Policing: An
International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 38(1), 173-203.
Smith, B. W., & Holmes, M. D. (2014). Police use of excessive force in minority communities:
A test of the minority threat, place, and community accountability hypotheses. Social
Problems, 61(1), 83-104.
Tyler, T. R., Fagan, J., & Geller, A. (2014). Street stops and police legitimacy: Teachable
moments in young urban men's legal socialization. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies,
11(4), 751-785.
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Van Craen, M. (2013). Explaining majority and minority trust in the police. Justice Quarterly,
30(6), 1042-1067.
Weitzer, R. (2014). The puzzling neglect of Hispanic Americans in research on policecitizen
relations. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37(11), 1995-2013.
Wolfe, S. E., Nix, J., Kaminski, R., & Rojek, J. (2016). Is the effect of procedural justice on
police legitimacy invariant? Testing the generality of procedural justice and competing
antecedents of legitimacy. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 32(2), 253-282.
Wu, Y., Lake, R., & Cao, L. (2015). Race, social bonds, and juvenile attitudes toward the police.
Justice Quarterly, 32(3), 445-470.

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