well appropriately to promote peaceful engagement and changes in the urban minority communities.
Largely, the local law enforcement organizations should define and improve the peaceful
coexistence and engagements in a better way. Both strategies should be taken in retaining long term engagements
and actions about creating and maintaining trustful relationships.
Section 3: Literature Review
According to a research work by Brunson and Gau (2015), it found out that the U.S law
enforcement officials have been unable to capture perceptions of the communities. Through the
surveys conducted, it was determined that the proper understanding of perceptions of the police
officers iwas linked with to the perceptions of the safety and community welfare. For example,
the element of procedural justice is critical in promoting public awareness about the police
shootings of its community residents. The element of procedural justice usually comprises of
four beliefs on the perspective of the residents including that people should have a voice while
engaging with the police, the police must be trustworthy, the legalizations should be fair and
followed, and the police officers must implement the laws failure (Brunson & Gau, 2015). In real
life perspective, when the police conduct their work in a fair procedure, they increase the
opportunity for the people to have influence and say in their lives. It also helps in treating the
minority people with respect and dignity.
Most importantly, Peck (2015) explains to the people the reasons for the actions and
decisions being taken against thempeople. In most occasions, the police officers do not engage
the public well oin their actions, that and it undermines the transparency required to promote
trust within the public in the minority areas. The last aspect of procedural justice is promoting
fairness and impartiality in the engagements with the minority people. In spite of the procedural
justice, the community perceptions also undermine the role and success of law enforcement
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