queuing in banks in order to send or withdraw money. It has also enabled people to make
transactions directly from their phones to their banks. Payment of utility bills is also possible and
is very convenient. Donations by individuals to the disadvantaged are also enabled. Once one has
the account number of the recipient, it is only a click away to complete his or her transaction.
This is technology at the highest level that makes life as simple as anyone would have wished
(Singh, 2009).
The convenience and affordability of mobile phones has given them an edge over other
forms of communication. The letters for example take a long time to get to the recipients. Most
people in the developing countries are either middle or low class. Their salaries are not enough to
sustain them hence considering other sophisticated methods of communication such as laptops
would be a mockery to their humble lives (Rheingold, 2002). There are phones as cheap as ten
dollars. Despite the fact that the features may be less, they do serve the main reason of passing a
message from one person to another. Communication service providers have also come in handy
in designing cost effective mobile phones which are only limited to their service. This may sound
restrictive, but they do help the less fortunate in the society communicate with their friends and
relatives (Nyíri, 2003).
Technology moves the world, and the world has to move with it. Communication would
have been a major challenge without the mobile phones. The less fortunate would have given up
already, and loss of time would be a common occurrence (Singh, 2009). The convenience
created by the mobile phone technology is worth appreciation. Despite the recent research
findings of the harmful effects of the rays from the mobile phones, the latter keep on changing