the luxury class (“About Tesla | Tesla”). Additionally, even its competitors are companies that
are involved in the manufacturing of the high-end products. Moreover, it should be noted that the
mission of the Tesla company is proving that electric cars can be far much better than the
gasoline cars. Additionally, with the objective of Model S being bringing style into the marked
confirmed that the target market was for the high-end market mainly the aim was to outdo its
model Roadster which was equated to the BMW M3 series which is a luxury sports car.
Moreover, Model S can be linked to the high-end market because it main challenger among the
electric car was the Nissan Leaf to which the clients preferred due to its price that was half the
price of the Tesla’s Model S.
Model S Marketing Mix
At the heart of Tesla was to produce a high-performance electric car, therefore, in its
marketing mix, the target was on the product enhancement. It is important to note that before the
Model S, the company had developed what was known as Roadster. This paved the way for the
company to enhance its product through integrating different aspects as a way of encouraging the
consumers to buy the new model (Huang, &Sarigöllü, 2014). For example, Model S has an
elegant design that is appealing to the consumers. It should be noted that in the US the design of
a car influences consumers preferences. Therefore, by making sure that model S was sleek in
design appealed to consumers who would previously purchase gasoline-car based on its
appearance (Liu, Li, Chen, & Balachander, 2017). Besides, the design of the model S resembled
the modern cars that mainly use gasoline thus attracting more clients to buying the electric car as
compared to the ordinary gasoline cars that have elegant designs but lack advancement.
When it comes to the pricing of the Model S, the company slightly utilized a different
strategy that would lure customers to buy its product. This is because, the cost of charging the