Molarity 3
the philosophers are offering normative theories of what we should value most. One of the striking
similarity of the three philosophers is that is that part of the concept to be good which is essential
in morality, recognizes the fact that it is difficult to act in such a way, which is perceived by the
society to be good. The other similarities of the three individuals, regarding the pursuit and the
recognition to the concept of morals, moral philosophy and morality are that they are all
responsible each for the three different perspective, ideas, and approaches concerning morality and
morality based on what they have been popularized.
The philosophical approaches of the four philosophers also vary to a great extent. One of
the examples is that both Aristotle and mill argue reasonably, understand constructs from the moral
philosophy which they propagate and the expectation in which the society require from them. Kant
appears to have an extreme when it comes to the ideas, and the section of the people and the
community, if his approach on all marl philosophy is to adhere with. Also, Kant has a belief that
an autonomous individual has a free will to exercise and the idea that the view is an act of the
manifestation of God will, and this is the reason for identifying and understanding morality. Mill
believes that morality does not include God, and the individual morality is based on personal
happiness. Kant, on the other hand, thinks that morality is depended and an individual, so an
individual should be answerable for his action on immorality and morality. Held also focus on
morality is that of ethics care and our morality should be the focus in helping other. Hence it
focuses on morality being a shared approach.
3. Your thesis, which takes the form of choosing which of these approaches you think should
be used. You may select a combination of these approaches or even a different approach, but
if you do this, be very sure that you explain in detail why you find a combined/different