why the death penalty was preferred in American colonies is that few jails were available and a
large distance between them, minimal law implementation, and the perceived need to create an
impression of Powerful leadership. The sense for the death penalty was to send a general
warning to the public about their misconduct.
During the colonial and prior American History, the death penalty was mandatory and
vastly executed for many wrongdoings of the defendants. Once decided, there was no revisiting
on the judgment imposed to the defendants. The merciful governors through their traditions and
norms could reorder the judgment of the case where the defendants are required to regret about
their acts. The rampant use of kindness during the colonial period contrasts its application today
in America since political opinions, and the chronological process is controlling the whole
process. Currently, in America, Clemency is used as the last option by the courts wherein real
action; it is not practiced at all. During the death penalty, the “hanging day” in the American
colonies, the witnesses were paid where religion was paramount Banner. The termination of the
wrongdoing is stressed as the process is executed to give the reason as to why the defendant got
into fate. The action meant to send a warning to other people who are in the process of
committing the same crime. Ministers preached about sins to the crowd of people giving reasons
why various people in society were hanged.
At the end of the 18th century, there was a paradigm shift from executing the death
penalty to recognizing human rights. The recognition of the need to address human rights was in
line with people aware of their rights where it led to the formation of penalties options like
serving prison terms in jail to where the defendants are rehabilitated. The process made it
necessary to eradicate with the death penalty or do severe amendments for it. The death penalty
to the 16-year-old boy who committed arsonist raised the alarm where anti-death movement was