Movie Review (Little)
Movies are directed for different purposes with the intentions of reaching out to the
consumer with the message. Sampling a movie often can be hard mainly if an individual has
limited knowledge regarding what they should consume. However, the availability of different
genres like comedy, science fiction, thriller and drama makes it easy for consumers to settle on a
movie based on their genre preferences. Despite directors focusing on the audience when they
are releasing movies for consumption, they have to focus on different aspects in the film to make
it commercially acceptable in the society. Little, a film directed by Tina Gordon exposes the
different techniques that directors use to compliment the themes communicated in the movies.
Application of appropriate setting with lighting and effective sound system positively maps Little
as an instrumental film in the society.
Little is a film that details the punishment an adult woman gets after engaging in unjust
activities such as bullying. The adult woman is taken aback to her childhood years as a mode of
punishment. The director balances the characters appropriately with each actor playing their
roles towards supporting the theme of reverse in the novel. Adults are forced to behave like kids
in an immature manner making the film exciting and having suspense as the audience attempts to
figure out what the characters will do next in their roles.
However, despite the characters exhibiting their prowess in the film, a challenge emerges
regarding Hall’s contribution as a character. Hall disappears for most of the movie. Hall is the
main character and plays Jordan Sanders. Jordan was once a middle school geek. Presently,
Jordan Sanders is a founder and also holds the CEO position in a company, Atlanta Tech
Company. Despite being a leader who should inspire the junior employees, Jordan Sanders
contradicts the expectations and exhibits the horrible boss character. Jordan harasses the