Equality in the society has for a long time been an issue that has attracted a significant
number of people across the world. The works are drawn from different genres, description,
book review and a comparison or contrast article. These will bring out the different
perspectives in regards to equality in the society. A summary of the different genres of work
ascertained that the authors are in agreement that there is no equality in the society people
who are stable financially are held in high regard compared to the poor despite the many
assurances by most governments across the world that all citizens are equal and deserve equal
treatment. I am of the opinion that after reading the articles, the reader will concur with the
authors’ perspective.
Description Genre
The list of the poorest countries in the world is out so it is time to check how the
countries are ranked. Ironically the people whose countries are in the list rejoice at the fact
that their country is on the top four at least it has earned the recognition as it is the time to be
on the spotlight. Next time the list of the poorest and worst performing countries all folks
should go out in the street and rejoice for being in the spotlight for being a hungry nation
(Jordan, 2003). In the two months-long assignment, the journalists describe how the family of
Bonaya at times had to sleep on an empty stomach after a severe drought ravaged all their
Book Review Genre
Most of our country mates are very poor that we can do anything just to survive, to
most citizens their health is not important than making the rich happy. The waiters in most of
the prestigious hotels and social amenities in the world have to do their best to ensure that the
clients are happy even it means compromising on their health. In one incident a black male
waiter goes into the water fully clothed to serve drinks the tourists who are sun basking in the