suggests that man would rather will for nothingness than not to will at all. In his examination of
whether we know who we are, he traces the origins of concepts of guilt and punishment. Guilt in
this aspect is simply a debt that was owed, and punishment a form of security form of repayment
(Arendt, 1973). The role of ressentiment is that it gives one the power for further self-searching
order to determine who we are, this a result of this feeling of dissatisfaction that comes with it.
Kant's distinction between the radical evil, and diabolical evil that is disintegrated, lack
and any self-oriented, continents motivation which presents itself as a Lucania style. Nietzsche's
preface has a specific limitation to the self-knowledge that we are supposed to have. Diabolical
evils according to Kant becomes scanty once the subject loses its recourse to the dimension of
final judgment, and this is quite different from what Nietzsche suggests in the preface. According
to the aspect of evil as indicated in the Genealogy of morals, Nietzsche poses the question,
"under what conditions did man invent himself that judgment of the values, Good and Evil, and
what intrinsic value do they possess in themselves"? (Hollingdale, 1989). All these questions
remain pending at the end of the Genealogy which does not relate to the Preface, which offers an
understanding of who we are. The value of “good and evil” according to Nietzsche has moral
significance. However, according to preface, the “values of these values” were initially taken for
granted. According to it, Good and evils’ higher values which is a good value is critical for the
human progress., utility and the prosperity, not forgetting the future (Nietzsche,1989).
In the last essay of the Preface, Nietzsche tries to reply to the question of “What is the
meaning of the ascetic deals”? He confronts asceticism as the powerful and the paradoxical force
that works to dominate contemporary life (Nietzsche,1881). He also sees it as the expression of
the weak, sick will. With the inability to cope with a greater struggle against itself, the sick will
normally see its animal instinct from this instinct. It has a greater attempt of subduing and taming