Surname 2
The chairperson's responsibility is to guide and make sure the meeting heads on to the
right direction and allowing discussions that are only based on the agenda. All the members of
the committee responded responsibility, and this brings about a final decision which is found
after much deliberation. The meeting members identify and assign duties to the people
assigned them, and the meeting comes to an end at the approximated time. A draft of the steps
to that action is written. Finally, this is not a part of the meeting but the members stay for a
little chat and seem to bond and talk about life issues and the guys seem more like best
friends. (Compomizzi, et al).
The main criticism about the meeting is that certain people in the committee are given
bigger responsibility than others and when they try to complain, they are asked to wait for
next time but this is not the first time they are told this. If I was on the committee, I think
equality would have been my first change; everyone would be equally treated. Another
concern is about members who are absent either at the small meetings or the major board
meeting, nobody talked about them, and the chairperson seemed less concerned about it. If
you want a meeting to be fruitful, then everybody should take it seriously and their efforts
towards the success of the team should be seen. I would hold everyone late or not present
accountable for their actions and give conditions for those who missed meetings frequently.
Nonprofit organization committees are disciplined, but still, there are a few people who
take advantage of the committee. If one is invited to a meeting, then it means they are
essential, and their input is needed in the committee. The nonprofit committee comes up with
super and mind-blowing sessions, and I would not mind attending another meeting. The staff
was composed, and all their focus and energy was towards achieving the target, which is the
solution (Compomizzi, et al).