Nurse leadership

Nurse leadership
Institution affiliation
Executive Summary
The paper focuses on nursing leadership. The task will help in developing the necessary
expertise and skills essential in the management of a health care setting as well as understanding
the unique elements of nursing leadership. It originates from my role as a nurse leader in an
oncology department. My aim is to improve the outcomes of the poor performance of the
oncology department which is below benchmark by ensuring my team and the staffs are more
engaged and motivated. In this regard, I will create a performance data scorecard to be used as
outcome measures in the oncology department. The designing of the performance data scorecard
will involve identifying the population of patients being addressed. It will also involve
identifying the outcomes measures that are related to the identified population of patients using
such indicators as performance, patient safety, and quality as well as employee engagement.
Moreover the paper discusses the required processes that drive all outcome measures and the
researcher will discuss any additional indicator that would facilitate a nurse leader in monitoring
the drive outcomes on a regular basis as part of the performance data scorecard. It further
discusses the advantages of the created performance data scorecard. It also analyses the current
trends in the healthcare related to the employee engagement and explores the relationship
between the healthcare quality and employee engagement. It also discusses if the tools being
used in the organization are adequately providing the needed nursing leadership with the data in
regards to the employee engagement. A plan is created to improve the employee engagement
based on the performance data scorecard and is not limited to the strategies, timeline, goals as
well as evaluation. The best leadership practices are outlined that are considered to improve
employee engagement. In conlusion,
Purpose: the primary objective of this paper is to illustrate how data scorecard can be used to
ensure improved results on oncology population in a hospital and to improve performance
measures by engaging the staffs and other teams.
Leadership, as defined by scholars, means the ability to influence other people to do
something. A manager in an organization has the responsibility of a leader since he or she
influences how things get done in the organization. The responsibility of organizing, controlling,
planning and directing are the traditional roles of any leader or manager. If a group lacks a
leader, or any activity carried out without the directions of the leader, that organization or task
has a high probability of failing.
A hospital is an organization which requires monitoring. For example, they have assets
like ambulances, buildings, financial or accounting resources. If these resources are left in the
hands of individuals without supervision, there will be misappropriation leading to failure of the
hospital as a whole. For this reason, appropriate personnel who possess the skills and knowledge
required are assigned the task of monitoring in the organization.
Who is a nurse a leader?
A nurse manager is a nurse who is involved in the process of influencing people and
motivating them to work together to achieve a common goal. The nurse has the power to control
his or her team. Unlike in management where the power gets delegated, the power of a nurse
leader is from the position he holds. The expertise of the nurse which includes his knowledge
and skills, his relationship with other stakeholders, ability to coarse individuals or his ability to
allocate incentives in an organization determines his power (Pandilla 2012). For him to achieve
his overall goal which might be personal or organizational, he should have skills to aid him in
performing his duties.
Some of the skills include,
Interpersonal skills
It is the ability to relate to other people on both social and professional level. Excellent
interpersonal skills ensure that communication flows smoothly from the leader to junior teams
and staffs. The leader will also be in a position to receive feedback and therefore effect any
changes that might need implementation.
Social awareness
In the nursing profession, one is trained to cater and care about individuals at all levels.
It, therefore, means that a nurse has to care about the physical and emotional needs of a patient.
For the nurse to achieve this goal, he has to have the skills to identify what other people are
going through. It calls for the nurse to pay a very close attention to the patient. For the nurse
leader, these skills are critical for him or her to carry out his tasks.
Management skills and management style
Though a nurse has direct power to influence his teams and staffs, he has to have the
knowledge of the Directorate. The nurse has to be able to organize, direct, control and plan
activities in an organization. Depending on the type of staffs that the leader is responsible for, he
should adopt a management style that will ensure highest compliance and results.
Performance data scorecard for oncology population
Oncology is the study of cancer. In today’s world, almost 50% of the food we consume,
the products that we use, the lifestyle, in general, exposes us to risk of developing cancer
complications. In most countries, cancer is the second leading cause of death. Statistics dictate
that most men are affected by cancer more than women giving a statistics of a half and a third
simultaneously. Oncology helps in diagnosing cancer, recording the stage of disease and
recording the aggressive nature of cancer (Cashin-Garbatt, 2011). For years, performance
evaluation in organizations has been done using the traditional methods. The benchmarks are
limited or too wide in scope to realize them with accuracy. As a result, the outcome measures
become difficult to monitor. For oncology patients, for example, the measures have been to track
the number of radiography tests that are carried out daily by the hospital. From one side, it is a
good measure of performance outcome, but this might mean reduced service on the edge of the
patient due to rush to increase the number of tests carried out in a day. There is a need therefore
to strike a balance between all aspects of an organization. The balanced scorecard includes
measures that tell the results of actions already taken (Atkinson 2006). The scorecard brings to
perfection the financial measures with operational measures on customer satisfaction, internal
processes, organization’s innovation and financial performance of the organization as a whole.
(HBR, September 2011). As a nursing leader, I will require a lot of information to make
operations run smoothly; the balanced scorecard will help in balancing measures in question. The
balanced scorecard aligns the organization around a customer-focused strategy which in turn
influences the market for the hospital. The nurse leader follows up on the implementation of the
policies to ensure that there is the realization of full performance and delivery of services at all
levels of the organization. The scorecard helps communicate to the team members and staffs all
the tasks in which they are supposed to undertake for successful operations in control of cancer
(Healthc Manag. 2002)
The key objectives of developing the scorecard
I. To ensure that there is full performance in radiography
II. To provide cancer pain and dyspnea care
III. To make sure that there are no hospital infections that take place
IV. To reduce the rate of mortality as a result of incomplete screening
V. To boost morale of staffs and reduce absenteeism
VI. To reduce the idle time.
In order to achieve the above objectives, the oncology nurses, nurse practitioner, patient
navigator, palliative doctors and palliative nurses, pathologists, dietitians, and diagnostic
radiologists have to work in coordination. They have to ensure that information at all those levels
flows in an effective and efficient manner. Gaps in the movement of information should
completely be eliminated to reduce the errors that might arise as a result. The audacious results
are achieved if there is the development of an efficient management information system in the
By involving other non-health staffs like accountants and financial analysts in the
hospital, maximum productivity and cancer patients’ service will be at the highest. The balanced
scorecard will, therefore, ensure we strike a balance at all levels of the hospital. For example, an
oncology nurse who examines the patient physically has to take details of the patient’s disease
which should be input in the company database by the information technology practitioner for
use by the accounting and finance department for pricing the services offered to the patients.
According to Bisau (2004), to ensure success in performance management system of any
organization, we need to carefully decide the purpose, determine the measurement, and ensure
that there is severity in the application of the model. The main aim of developing a balanced
scorecard is to improve performance, therefore, if its implementation fails, we will have lost a
chance to improve the organization.
Key performance indicators and processes that drive outcome measures
In this project, there are four key performance indicators which include performance,
quality, patient safety and employee engagement and an infinite number of key measures. The
key performance indicators selected will drive the objectives and goals of the project to success.
By combining the key performance indicators by the key measures, we will have a reliable
monitoring and assurance tool.
Key performance table
Key performance indicator
Key measure
Patient safety in oncology
Mortality rate
Infection rate
Complication rates
Blood transfusion rates
Employee engagement
Patient/staff complaint
Satisfaction measure
Idle time
Absenteeism rate
Scale 9
Rate of chemotherapy
Resource utilization
Readmission rates
Project development
2 researches per year
Quality Oncology
Adherence to protocol
Rated 100%
Adherence to the right
practices and moral
Number of
recommendations to
Number of successful
Rated 100%
20% of the patients
It is crucial to ensure that all the metrics and key measures and indicators should be
measured and tested for validity. The trial of the simulation is undertaken before communicating
to the dedicated teams and staffs. The exercise ensures that the model is standard and realistic.
By so doing, the problem of failure due to unrealistic or difficult metrics is avoided. The
simulation will also aid in screening how the actual model will operate after its implementation.
By ensuring a balanced approach in development of the metrics, we will have boosted the morale
of the team towards the overall goal of the department.
The balanced scorecard map
According to the above map, the success oncology unit will start with all the nurses
working together towards a common objective. Employee engagement is an approach that the
employees adopt to enhance their well-being by contributing to the organizational goals and
purposes, being loyal to the organization, respecting and following the company’s culture to
ensure success. The successful organization delivers quality work. For example, staffs working
together will make sure that patients are registered and examined fast and with care depending
on the level of emergency or need of the patient. The patient will get an excellent service that
will ensure his or her safety. On the security of the patient; take a case of a cancer patient. The
safety of the cancer patient will be measured using complication rate as one of the key measures,
making sure that there is no complication which happens to the patient during his chemotherapy
treatments. Performance, on the other hand, will be measured by the readmission rates. If the
patient does not get readmitted to the hospital for the same disease due to complications or
failure of the practitioners, that will be recorded as a success.
Incorporating Kaplan and Norton’s scorecard
Key measures
20% of income
1% wasted
g on
If 20%
If 1%
to a
60 days
20% of patients
e per year
ent per
At least one
idle time
ion rates
To 0%
Research and
Each member of the team will be required to record, measure and follow up on each and
every performance measure. The members should ensure that they can attain each and every
requirement of the scorecard. It will be possible through monitoring their result delivery by
comparing their achieved results with the performance indicators in the balanced scorecard. For
example, if the financial team noticed that the incurred cost is 21%, there is 1% above the
benchmarked percentage of 20. The conclusions made are that there is overspending in that
particular department, and therefore the common measures should be taken to curb this problem.
Scorecard map and the key performance indicators that the leader nurse needs to monitor
Employee engagement in the departmental goals and objectives will trigger them to know
more about the cancer disease. If they get the full support of the organization, they will be in a
position to improve the quality of the services they offer. Since nursing is a dynamic and
continuous learning process, research and development will have a great impact on the kind of
services provided in the department.
When the patients get quality services, they will find a value for their money, and it will
be easier for them to recommend other patients to the hospital. They also develop royalty such
that, the next time they get sick and need medical attention, they will get back to our hospital. In
turn, the hospital will be able to generate more funds and therefore more profits.
Advantages of performance data scorecard
For the hospital to be successful in any department or level, they have to set both short
term and long term goals and objectives. For them to achieve these set goals, they have to strike
a balance between the four aspects of the organization which includes financial, customer,
internal business process, and learning and growth. The balanced scorecard will give the basis
for striking this balance between the aspects at the oncology department (Ted Jackson, 2015)
Since the balanced scorecard outlines all the metrics, performance and outcome
indicators, it will become simple for the nursing team members and other staffs to know what is
expected of them, therefore, boosting their morale. They will, therefore, strive to attain the set
objectives or even surpass them. An example of a patient navigator, the scorecard indicates that
they are supposed to guide the patient through survivorship. The patient navigator will, therefore,
know that after he has delivered what is expected of him by the scorecard, he will have attained
the objective on his part. Due to this reason, he will feel motivated to contribute to the success of
the department.
The balanced scorecard acts as a control to the nursing leader. As the nursing manager, I
will be in a position to monitor all the activities that are taking place in my department. I will be
able to collect all the data from the different team's and staffs, compare them with the set
standards, and investigate any deviation of the results from the set standards and advice on the
collective measures.
Current trends in healthcare related to employee engagement
Introduction of efficient information system
The information system will enable smooth flow of information from one level of the
organization to the other. It will ensure open communication between staffs themselves, between
teams and their leaders, for example, the nurse manager and the communication between the
staffs and the patients. The open communication system ensures that the staffs can communicate
their concerns to their leaders and the leaders are in a position to give feedback. After the
relevant authorities address employee’s concerns, the employee feels motivated. Compassionate
nurse leader will motivate his staffs through engaging in most of their activities and listening to
them. In order to achieve the open communication system in a hospital, it might pose a great
challenge since there a lot of health workers working in different departments. Due to these
difficulties, a hospital intranet is created to make the smooth flow of information from one
source to the other. An intranet is an organization’s internal network that only authorized
officials can be a position to access
Centralization of resources through the intranet
Centralization of resources means pooling all resources at the same place where all health
practitioners can be in a position to access at any time. This exercise helps in time management
where one does not have to move from one place to the other in search of data. For example, the
oncology nurse practitioner does not have to go from his examination office to the pathologist or
diagnostic radiologist to acquire results of a patient. Through the intranet connecting these
rooms, the staffs will be in a position to send the results from one office to the other without
actual physical movement. In the case of surgeons in the operating room, they sometimes need to
give feedback to the nurses outside the operation room. Since this is a basic procedure, it is
convenient and safer to send this information through the intranet. Employees need regular
update about the hospital or departmental news and changes. Journals and magazines are
distributed to the employees through posting them at the corporate centralized intranet. It will
enable anyone interested in accessing them anytime.
Recognition of employees for their engagement
Nurses in oncology department interact with patients of different kinds every day, and
they ensure that all these patients acquire their necessities in the hospital. It is a very challenging
task since these patients looks up at the nurses or doctors. Ensuring all patients are comfortable
with the services provided, the nurses need to be recognized and even rewarded for their effort.
Recognition boosts the morale of the nurses and doctors to even interact better with the patients.
Relationship between employee engagement and healthcare quality
Employee engagement has been defined by different scholars to mean the involvement of
an employee in his or her organization. It is the physical, emotional and psychological
commitment of an employee towards achieving the goals of the organization. The level of
engagement of staffs or individuals in a department will determine how well that department
does. When an employee is said to be committed, it means that he understands his or her role and
contribution in the organization and therefore works hard. On clinical setting, the doctors and
nurses get engaged in the goals of the hospital, for example, achieving quality health services.
Employee engagement does not just happen in a vacuum. There are certain circumstances
which have to be met by the organization to induce the employees to be engaged. The nature of
the job in which the workers are taking determines how they get involved.
Taking a pathologist doctor to another position that he has not specialized in might make
him or her to perform poorly in that area. The leaders, for example, the nurse manager has to
ensure that there is job satisfaction for all his staffs. Communication is another key determiner of
how employees react to goals of the organization. If the top management has poor
communication skills or gives a poor feedback to his subordinates, he then stands to lose their
engagement on the job. He should, therefore, ensure that he communicates the members of his
team effectively. According to research by Rick Sherwood emotional conditions of the health
staffs also determines how they conduct their roles.
According to the institute of medicine, health quality is the extent to which the services
offered by the healthcare to individuals or patients increase the probability of desired health
results. The results should not be inconsistent with the current body of knowledge (ASC
communication, 2017). Engaged employees will strive to deliver the best results, for example, if
the diagnostic radiologist or the pathologist is offered the right modern machines, they will be
motivated to eliminate any errors, therefore, ensuring quality than a pathologist who uses old
machines that breakdown every time. A stressed nurse is likely to make more mistakes during his
or her diagnostic process than the one who is depressed. The leader nurse should ensure stress
management measures are introduced to solve stress issues at work.
Current tools providing data regarding employee engagement
Tools for providing data regarding employee engagement means those indicators that
signal whether the employees are committed to the organization's goals and objectives. In our
organization, the current tools being used to provide the data about engagement are traditional.
The time factor is one of the tools used to measure employee engagement. Employees that report
very early to work and leave very late in the evening are said to be committed to the
organization. When evaluating performance basing only on time spent in the office, it might be
misleading because that does not necessarily mean that the employee was doing a productive job.
It is more appropriate to measure the employee engagement with regard to time on the idle time
Another tool is the attendance of the staffs basing on the attendance sheets. This approach
might also show weak results since the employee might sign the attendance sheet for an absent
friend. In return, this poses a problem where that particular person is assigned a task only to find
them lacking making performance difficult. Other tools used include the number of patients
treated per day without considering the quality of treatment and the feedback of the patient. The
tools employed in the organization are not adequate to provide with the data about employee
engagement as there are other new and modern tools which include social recognition and
engagement platforms and emotional monitoring devices.
A plan to improve employee engagement
A plan is as an outline which aimed at achieving some set objectives in the future. A plan
is a time bound in that it is to be accomplished with some a particular time. It can be derived or
based on objectives and goals of the organization. The scorecard displays the targets which are to
be achieved and how to test whether they are achieved. As a result, it is possible to derive a plan
from the scorecard. Basing on the data scorecard that we generated, we can produce a plan which
will improve employee engagement. The plan can be inform of strategies, goals, evaluations and
Leadership by example
In our data scorecard, we expect that the staffs give their best in the delivery of their
services. One of the most important strategies that the management should adopt is undertaking
their tasks in a way that the staffs admire. If the employees feel that we are delivering on our part
as their leader, it will be difficult for them to resist their duties. Therefore, the management
should adopt this strategy.
Communication network
A good communication system ensures that information and instructions flow from the
top management to the subordinates in an efficient manner. It means that the information will be
free from vague statements and unclear instructions. The staffs in the department will be able to
carry their required duties. For example, if a patient navigator is needed to guide the patient
through the process from diagnosis to survivorship, it should be clearly indicated so. As a result,
the patient will feel wanted and cared for developing royalty to the hospital.
Develop a robust feedback mechanism
When staffs get the feedback on any inquiries they make, they will feel that the
organization is recognizing them. In a hospital setting, information feedback is very crucial since
the lives of the patients depend on it. If a hospital has a poor feedback mechanism, the nurses
might feel discouraged therefore reducing their engagement in the organization. Taking an
example from our scorecard where we want to reduce the errors or deaths caused by nurse’s
errors, it will be prudent to create an automatic and fast feedback to any query that might arise.
We will need to set goals that are realistic and attainable. If the department sets goals that
are too high, the employee will feel that the goals are unrealistic and impossible for them to
attain. For example, if we indicate on our scorecard that we to have one hundred research in a
year, the employees may not be interested since there are a lot of constraints that might hinder
the results. On the other hand setting too low goals will demotivate the nurses since they will feel
It is a process by which the results of a given staff or member of a team is examined to
determine whether they are in consistency with the set standards in the data scorecard. The
evaluation process will help us identify the deviations and how to collect them.
A general schedule will be developed to monitor how the activities flow in the hospital
department from start to finish. The program will help us identify where the problems arise in the
process to ensure quality services to the patients so that collective measures are established.
Leadership practices
Leaders and staffs are viewed as the backbones of an organization. How they handle the
employees and teams, how they perform their duties and how they respond to any grievances
raised to them determines how the employees feel towards the organization. The leaders need to
undertake some practices to improve employee’s satisfaction in the organization.
Setting clear expectations from the employees is one of the practices that leaders should
adopt. In order to help develop good expectations from the staffs, the leader can decide to
involve the workers to discuss goals or objectives. The staffs will be part of making the goals,
therefore, will strive to attain them. Another practice is recognizing those crews that perform
well. If a nurse meets the scorecard targets, he or she should be acknowledged and rewarded to
improve his engagement in the organization. Coupled with recognition is the provision of
development opportunities to the nurses and doctors. These opportunities help them attain their
self-actualization needs, and therefore they get more engaged to the organization. These nurses
also inspire other nurses in the hospital (William Bridges et al., 2009).
Innovation should be encouraged in the hospital to develop a sense of involvement in that
organization. If an employee comes with a new way of doing things, he should be supported by
the management to see his project through. This way, the staffs will be more engaged in the
organization since they will have helped build it.
Developing a good scorecard in the hospital and following it to the latter will yield more
results that using the traditional ways of management. Setting too high goals or objectives will
lower the morale of the employees. Similarly, setting too low goals will undermine the staffs’
capability and therefore lowering their morale. Involving the workers in decision making about
what standards to be set is the best way to raise their attitude toward the organization’s goals.
The nurse leader should ensure that he or she takes into account the leadership practices to
develop a sound employee engagement program. The outcome or results of the department in
most cases is determined by the employees. Any leader is bound to understand that without the
employees’ satisfaction, the possibility of failure is high. A plan on how to improve employee’s
engagement in the organization is an important step to ensure that they deliver the best services.
Developing a plan that will induce employees to engage at the orientation stage is preferable
since the employee will adopt engagement as part of the company culture. It is clear that,
developing a data scorecard alone will not guarantee success therefore an organization need to
induce the employees to be engaged. In developing the scored, it should be understood that, the
organization is prone to changes. As a result, the scorecard should be dynamic giving allowance
for adjustments to be made in case of any change.
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