Nurse Paper 5 revision

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Value-based Purchasing Strategic Plan
A. Introduction
The health sector in the United States has faced economic challenges because of the
recent recession and fluctuations in the country’s economy. In addition, the Affordable Health
Care Act needs health care organizations to provide high-quality services to patients at lower
prices (Adkinson & Chung, 2014). The dynamism in the economy and requirements for the
health care organizations has resulted in an increased reduction of revenues for health care
organizations. As a result of the external forces, health care organizations have been forced to
develop strategies that will facilitate the delivery of high-quality patient care services at a lower
cost. Most health care organizations in the United States are shifting from Fee For Service (FFS)
payment approach to Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) program in their operations. Value-Based
Purchasing program is an essential strategy that offers good incentives to the health care
providers as well as providing quality services to the patients at a lower cost (Blumenthal &
Jena, 2013). In this new approach, service quantity is no longer a factor of consideration, and the
program also helps the management of health care organizations to monitor, measure, and
evaluate the performance of health care facilities. This paper develops a value-based purchasing
program for health care organization by assessing the current status and explaining the roles and
responsibilities of stakeholders as well as functions of various departments in the successful
implementation of the value-based purchasing program.
A1. VBP Degree of Implementation
Value-Based Purchasing is a program in the health care sector that is also known as Pay
for Performance. It is a payment approach targeted at offering financial incentives to physicians,
health care providers, and medical groups. It is a rewarding system that appreciates the efforts of
the physicians based on the quality of service rather than on quantity as in the case of fee for
service payment model. In the United States, Value-Based Purchasing is gaining more
acceptance, as it is a necessity required by the Affordable Care Act. The approach is essential
because it penalizes the health care providers for low performance, increased cost of providing
services, and for medical errors. Additionally, it is beneficial program because it lowers the cost
of acquiring health care services, improves the quality of health care organizations, and also
increases the satisfaction of patients from the services offered (Chee et al., 2016).
The value-based strategic plan is for my organization because it has not fully
implemented the VBP payment model. The low-level adoption is because of insufficient
expertise for evaluating the progress of the strategy in improving the organizational services.
Also, the organization lacks a set methodology for monitoring and measuring the impact of the
strategy in enhancing the provision of health care services. Additionally, stakeholders are
relaxed, losing goals, and vision for the strategy. Even more, the employees in the organization
have little knowledge about the working of the model hence, have little interest in understanding
how the model works. However, as suggested by the research group in the department of health,
value-based purchasing plays a critical role in helping organizations to monitor and measure the
performance of various health care organizations.
B. Strategic Plan
The strategic plan will stimulate the progression of value-based purchasing in the health
care organization. This strategic plan will include the roles of stakeholders, the functions of
departments, and also the current position of the organization in the implementation of the value
based purchasing program. The strategic plan will also enable the organization management to
identify the areas within the organization that compromises the quality of health care services as
well as suggesting the possible ways to improve services to patients through VBP. The following
three tables will help to explain illustrate the strategic plan for the three departments that are
critical in ensuring the organization implements the VBP successfully.
B1: Departments Impacting VBP
The significant departments impacting the implementation of the value-based purchasing
model are finance, human resource and marketing departments.
B1. Finance Department
B1A. Explanation of Roles and Function
The finance department will be responsible for all organizational revenues and
any other related costs for offering the healthcare services.
It is important to note the implementation of the VBP can negatively impact the
financial position of the organization if the financing process is not well managed. For instance,
the finance department will be responsible for exploring the complexities that may arise because
of the changes in the cash flow following the implementation of VBP program.
The finance department also has the role of determining, adopting and
implementing strategic approach for accommodating the changes in the financial environment.
The financial experts will also play an important role of determining and
regulating financial risks through collaboration with other players in the implementation process.
The finance department also has the mandate of advising for the source of long
term financing for successful implementation of VBP.
The finance department also has the role of giving information to managers to
facilitate effective decision making regarding the payback period for adopting VBP.
B2. Goals
To reduce operational cost during and after adopting value-based purchasing
payment program
To develop budget to ensure success in the implementation of the value-based
purchasing program. The budget will include the cost necessary changes; change over strategy,
marketing activities and the budget for training staff for the new program.
To generate a profit increment of 50% within 12 months after launching of the
value-based purchasing strategy.
B3. Attaining Quality Outcomes in patient
care over next 3 years:
An increase in the number of
patients visiting the hospital for health care
Improvement in the satisfaction
levels of patients because of the staff are highly
trained in performing their duties.
Patients are more willing to pay
for the services they receive because of the
Attaining Quality Outcomes in
reimbursement over the next 3 years.
Increased willingness of
physicians to use their own resources in
offering the best quality of services to patients
(Zhao et al., 2015).
The physicians are willing to go
an extra mile of ensuring patients is satisfied
form the services offered.
valued quality of the service.
B4. Critical Key Points
Monitoring the financial activities closely and regular preparation of
financial statements to tracking and recording purposes.
Management of cash flow from health care services
Increased focus on budgeting to facilitate finance of the value-based
purchasing program.
Integrating the value-base purchasing model with a new financial model to
address the new needs
B4A. Marketing the Key Points
Staff mentorship and development for the finance department
Identifying necessary resources for the finance department operations
Teaching the staff members about the influence of value-based purchasing
in in financial performance of an organization.
B6. Coordinating Informational Events
Doing every finance
department information through the
organizational information technology
Adjustments in the
finance department will be
communicated to the management in
good time in order to make adequate
B6. Coordinating Educational Events
The department will hire
external auditors to offer help in
preparation of financial statements.
The finance department
will provide all financial information to
the organization management.
B1. Human Resource Department
B1A. Explanation of Roles and Function
Human resource department deals with human capital of the organization.
The department plays the role of maintaining the knowledge and
informing the human capital about the duties in supporting the implementation of the
The department also has the mandate of developing training programs for
staff in the organization on how best to use the VBP strategy.
The department is also responsible of evaluating the efforts of the staff
members in providing quality health care services after the adoption of the VBP
Generally, the human resource department is responsible for monitoring
and evaluating the performance of the human capital in the organization.
B2. Goals
To acquire quality individuals to join the staff team to ensure success in
adopting the value based strategy.
To train all staff members how to use value based purchasing program by
the end of the adopting period.
To develop training manuals that will remind the staff about their roles in
operating under the value-based purchasing system.
To develop strategic ways of monitoring and evaluating the performance
of physicians after the launch of the value-based purchasing strategy.
B3. Attaining Quality Outcomes in patient
care over next 3 years:
The best candidates
serving as staff members will ensure
quality is observed in offering
healthcare services.
Training will enable the
physicians to see the value of value-
based purchasing strategy in receiving
Developing training
manuals will help the physicians
remain updated about how they need to
perform their duties.
Monitoring and
evaluation of performance will make
staff work extra hard to attain more
Attaining Quality Outcomes in
reimbursement over the next 3 years.
After three years, the
staff would have learned the necessity
of focusing on quality rather than
The healthcare
physicians will focus more on offering
quality services to patients regardless of
the needed effort to make sure
customers are satisfied.
B4. Critical Key Points
The health organization is committed to offering high quality services to
The aim of value-based purchasing strategy is to improve patient
The need of the new needs of the value-based purchasing program
The value of the value-based purchasing program compared to the fee for
service system
B4A. Marketing the Key Points
Communicating the best channels for the staff members to learn about
value-based purchasing strategy
Continuous education and training to the staff members on VBP
Motivation and mentorship for staff members
Training the staff members about the working of the value-based
purchasing system
B6. Coordinating Informational Events
Availability of database
management system to keep system
logs for staff members
The inter-departmental
relationship will be digitized to easily
track the needed information
B6. Coordinating Educational Events
Every member of the
department will be informed about the
activities of the department through
mails and relevant memos.
All relevant activities
will be facilitated with respective
B1. Marketing Department
B1A. Explanation of Roles and Function
The main function of the marketing department is to define the brand of
the organization. That is, the marketing department will serve the purpose of defining
what the organization does as well as services for patients.
The marketing department also has the mandate of conducting campaign
management for the marketing activities. That is, the department will serve the role of
identifying key products and services to focus on and the best way to communicate to
customers. The role will be achieved through promotion and description of services and
products offered in the organization.
The marketing department will also serve the purpose of producing
internal communication to make the staff understand the company values, priorities and
goals. The role will be achieved through carrying out market research to realize the needs
of customers and how they perceive and receive the services and products.
B2. Goals
To gain at least 50% of the total market share within a period of 12
months after implementation of the VBP strategy.
To conduct market research about the customers during the
implementation period to realize what the patients’ needs in terms of quality of services.
Make internal communication to the internal stakeholders about the needs
of customers concerning the cost and the quality of services.
B3. Attaining Quality Outcomes in patient
care over next 3 years:
Patients will be more
informed about the healthcare services
offered in the organization.
Conducting marketing
research will facilitate realization of the
needs of patients and their willingness
to pay for high quality services.
Furthermore, internal
communication will enhance
collaboration between different internal
stakeholders in playing their roles to
ensure patients are satisfied with the
quality of services.
Attaining Quality Outcomes in
reimbursement over the next 3 years.
The marketing
department will ensure the organization
has broadened understanding of the
While conducting
marketing research, the target
customers will acquire important
knowledge concerning the services
offered by the organization.
B4. Critical Key Points
Doing market and customer research
Developing and ensuring availability of marketing resources such as
advertising materials which may include billboards and posters.
Informing staff member the expectations of the new model
B4A. Marketing the Key Points
Provision of necessary guidance to the team responsible for marketing activities.
Setting the level of awareness to be reached by the marketing team
Making available the marketing metrics to help the marketing team to set their
B6. Coordinating Informational
Constant checking of
marketing materials to ensure they are
relevant in supporting the aim of
adopting value-based purchasing
Incorporating an
information technology system that
support marketing system
B6. Coordinating Educational Events
Automating the
marketing systems to keep a close
check on all activities.
B5. Ethical Clinical and Ethical Business Practices
The reforms in the health care operations are centered on improving patient care services.
The implementation of the value-based system is likely to be faced with some ethical dilemmas
among the health care practitioners. However, with the application of the ethical principles, the
physicians and other staff members will be able to operate in an ethically both in the area of
business and clinical practices. The ethical principles to consider and incorporate in the
implementation of the value-based purchasing are include beneficence, nonmaleficence, fidelity,
and justice. In performing the clinical practices, the nurses will observe the principle of
beneficence, which means doing good to the patients. It is rational for the nurses and other
practitioners to offer healthcare services in a way that will improve the health of the patients
(DeCamp et al., 2018). Based on the strategic plan, the three chosen departments have goals
aimed at improving the quality of healthcare services. The principle of nonmaleficence requires
the health practitioners to do no harm to the patients either intentionally or unintentionally. The
principle of nonmaleficence is applicable to all nurses and other health care practitioners because
they need to focus on practices that improve the health of all patients (Bailes, Rachel & Keller,
2014). Even more, the nurses need to respect the decisions of patients when offering the
healthcare service. It is in line with justice and fidelity ethical principles that require medical
practitioners to remain faithful and act in a way that promotes the health of the patients.
The ethical principles also apply to the business practices which the organization is
involved in. In the perspective of business practices, it is imperative for the various departments
to engage and conduct operations in an ethical manner when interacting with other healthcare
organizations. For instance, the marketing department needs to provide true information about
the health services offered in the organization to enable target customers to make informed
decisions. It is important to consider the applicability of the ethical principles when competing,
advertising, and also presenting information to the general public. It is essential to note that the
ethical principles go hand in hand with the value-based strategy hence, influencing the ease of
realizing the benefits of adopting the strategy.
B7. Timeline
Finance Department
Human Resource
Marketing Department
0-9 months
about the needs of
different departments
such as the number of
staff needed.
Identifying the
necessities that the
members of the staff
need to know about
value-based purchasing
consumer and market
research about the
services that patients
10-18 months
Developing the
necessary information
system to support value-
based purchasing
Preparing the
training and education
Identify the target
patients and their needs.
Development of
promotion and
advertisement materials.
19-27 months
Training the staff
members within the
Training the staff
members within the
Training the staff
members within the
28-36 months
Monitoring and
evaluating employees’
performance as well as
adjusting the objectives
to meet emerging needs
of the value-based
Monitoring and
evaluating employees’
performance as well as
adjusting the objectives
to meet emerging needs
of the value-based
Monitoring and
evaluating employees’
performance as well as
adjusting the objectives to
meet emerging needs of
the value-based
purchasing strategy.
purchasing strategy.
purchasing strategy.
Adkinson, J. M., & Chung, K. C. (2014). The patient protection and affordable care act: A
primer for hand surgeons. Hand Clinics, 30(3), 345-352.
Bailes, W. B., Rachel, M. M., & Keller, S. (2014). Nursing's ethical responsibilities in value-
based purchasing. Online Journal of Health Ethics, 10(2).
Blumenthal, D., & Jena, A. B. (2013). Hospital valuebased purchasing. Journal of Hospital
Medicine, 8(5), 271-277.
Chee, T. T., Ryan, A. M., Wasfy, J. H., & Borden, W. B. (2016). Current state of value-based
purchasing programs. Circulation, 133(22), 2197-2205.
DeCamp, M., Pomerantz, D., Cotts, K., Dzeng, E., Farber, N., Lehmann, L., ... & Tilburt, J.
(2018). Ethical issues in the design and implementation of population health programs.
Journal of General Internal Medicine, 33(3), 370-375.
Zhao, M., Haley, D. R., Spaulding, A., & Balogh, H. A. (2015). Value-based purchasing,
efficiency, and hospital performance. The Health Care Manager, 34(1), 4-13.

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