Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated experience that takes place in a simulated
environment. The test carried by New York Police department (NYPD) on VR on drills for real-
life scenarios may be impossible to recreate, and the NYPD is at the capacity of conducting
active shooter training drills at the World Trade Center. It is the very first time the VR program
is implemented and used by the NYPD with approximately hundred NYPD officers involved in
the pilot program.
The host of this program offering the training is the NYPD, and it is funded through the
Department of Homeland security. By having this program, Rotem Schiffman a V-Armed
engineer claims that it is easy to configure scenarios with several avatars (Sowa, 2019).
Additionally, since the program is on the place, it is easy to acquire conclusions since
approximately a hundred people use it. From the findings drawn, the police department aims at
ensuring that this technology is incorporated national wide. It is important to note that the
scenarios used are the real incidence which makes the program to have a significant impact on
the department of police and the stakeholders. According to Kevin Burd, the LSU instructor, the
program aimed at inducing the stress and ensure that the folks are on their feet for it’s based on
the real incidences, (Sowa, 2019, Warwick 2015).
This training program is purposed to be extended national wide after the completion of the pilot
training by the NYP. This extension of exercise is the ultimate mission of the team that is
involved with the incorporation and implementation of this program.