company is vital as it takes into consideration their values, opinions and concerns in the planning
of the vision, mission and strategy of the retail firm (Boutelle, 2014).
External Stakeholders
Customers. Customers are immediate external stakeholders in any firm. Attracting,
retaining and maintaining consumers is one of is important for a company’s long-term success
financially (Boutelle, 2014).
Creditors. Businesses use creditors to i.e. banks to borrow for to help them finance key
company developments like the construction of a new building. Creditors will always expect to
be paid before the date line is reached (Boutelle, 2014).
Communities and governments. Companies have close ties between communities and
governments as close stakeholders. Companies are expected to do daily operations in a way that
favors the communities around, for example, using environment friendly methods, government
taxes and sanctions will also have an impact on their operations (Boutelle, 2014).
Suppliers and partners. More often companies build relationships with associates and
suppliers, and this enables sharing of business goals strategies and visions. Your trade partners
will expect you to operate ethically to keep the business reputation high (Boutelle, 2014).
Changes Observed
Changes observed in the transition in organizational structure include the fact that
the hierarchical structure was divided in terms of geographic to give specialized decisions based
on different regions and also brought about managers per locations to oversee on regional