Surname 5
Moreover, just removing everything and retaining psychological attributes does not
explain Descartes argument to hold that the mind is always thinking given that an entity could
have un-actualizes dispositions at any particular point. The analogy is drawn from the
deliberation of the thought and the extension. He explained that “by though…not a universal
comprehension all the modes of thinking…extension is a nature which receives all the shapes…”
One would, therefore, infer to this argument and make a conclusion that just as the body exists as
an extension one form or another, then an entity soul could exist when consciousness is
manifested in thoughts or feelings. Such a claim cannot be explained in a realistic world.
Moreover, Descartes fails to explain or justify how one would know if they indeed exist devoid
of the body.
The simplicity argument stems from the idea that anything extended can be divisible into
parts. He argues that the body is divisible since it is an extension. For example, one can do away
with his or her fingers given that they are part of the body and one can exist without them. To a
large extent, a part of the body like the whole leg or limb could also be removed and one
continues to exist. However, the brain or the mind is not an extension, hence, it none of its parts
can be removed and one continues to exists. This leads to his conclusion that if the mind cannot
be divisible then it is made from a different substance from the body thereby implying that it can
be separable and it is distinct. This continues the debate to the next level that the mind must, in
this light, continue to function or reason even when one is asleep. However, it is believed that if
one is thinking continuously then one should be aware of their thought even during deep sleep.
The truth is that in most cases individuals are not aware of anything when in deep sleep which
discredits the argument presented by Descartes.