Running Head: Policy advocacy 2
Indeed, policy advocacy is an important tool that can be used by organizations to bridge
the gap between access to diminishing resources and the organization. This is achieved by
informing those individuals who are responsible for policy formation about their duties and
responsibilities. This in turn has broad implications regarding how and when human services are
delivered at national, regional and state level. (Sparkman-Key, & Reiter, 2016).
For instance, the National Organization for Human Services is mandated to transform
individuals and communities through human services. Working at the national level, the
organization’s core mission is to strengthen the community of human services. The organization
does this by expanding professional development opportunities to all individuals in the society
through advocating for all policies related to this. The organization also enhances internal and
external communications among all societies within the nation. This involves conveying any
information regarding policies from the policy makers to the individuals and societies. It is also
responsible for nurturing the financial sustainability and growth of organizations involved in
human services within the country. Through certification, the organization also promotes
professional and organizational identities of individuals and communities. Finally, the
organization also advocates and implements social policies and agendas.
The last 40 years has seen the NOHS provide meaningful and effective professional
development opportunities through its annual conferences. It has brought together thousands of
people ranging from students, educators, administrators, researchers and policymakers. This has
enabled all of these people to come under one umbrella to strengthen and transform the lives of
individuals around them.