Pollution and environmental protection 2
Pollution refers to the introduction of harmful substances are introduced to the ecosystem
affecting the normal productivity of the natural environment. These substances that harm the
environment are commonly referred to as pollutants and are usually introduced by human beings
whether willingly or unknowingly. The environment can be pouted in three ways air, noise and
land pollution. Environment protection on the other hand refers to procedures and rules made
with an aim of conserving the environment by ensuring that the current good state of it is
maintain while the affected parts are restored to the original state.
In Manhattan California beach the main sources of pollutants include wet discharges. This are as
a result of rainfall and sometimes movements of snow, runoffs from storm rains, overflows from
sewages from California City, and improper discharge of waste. The fact that the beach is
located within the proximity of a city, there are a lot of oil, Greece, chemicals, nutrients,
bacterial and metal pieces that are carried by storm waters to the beach causing pollution. These
wet weather conditions have been mixed with sewages, water wasted from industries and water
from storms to cause problems in the levels of aesthetic value of Manhattan Beach("Manhattan
Beach," 2016, p. 45).
Trash and irresponsible littering is the other problem of pollution that is affecting this beach.
These are the solid materials which are thrown or carried to the beach by runoffs. Those who
visit the beach also come with beverages and snacks which they later dispose the waste on the
surface of the beach causing havocs. They include bottles, cigarette filters, lids, bottle caps and
plastic bags. The largest problem of polution in Manhattan beach is the level of nitrogen and
phosphorus in its water and air.This two nutrients are normally found naturally in the aquatic
ecosystem and under normal circumstances they are sources of food for aquatic animals but