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Diamond’s answer to this question is that Yali’s territory lived in Stone Age as stone tools
they still used were of old age. They were not politically organized in any centralized
government making white people impose a centralized government on them. Whites brought
goods that New Guineans immediately recognized their value. The New Guineans referred to all
these goods such as matches, steel axes, umbrellas, medicines, soft drinks, and clothing as
“cargo.” Therefore, White colonialists referred New Guineans to be “primitive” because their
standard of living was low.
Diamond responds to Yali’s question from the history he set out that human beings gradually
developed and in due course spread all over the earth. He further argued that some individuals
lived in geographical areas that were conducive to agricultural development and animal
domestication. These processes were not beyond intellectual capability of any human being;
therefore, everyone living everywhere in appropriate areas was equally intelligent, as they would
develop agriculture and domestication. However, individuals who would not develop these
processes had an advantage from the expanding population as new ways of food production led
to more availability of food that is used in supporting many people and maintaining specialists
such as soldiers.
Moreover, an advantage in individuals who could support specialists of designing, and those
using metal existed. First, people who practiced agriculture in highly densely populated areas
developed organized and ranked social organizations. Second, those who lived around animals
and other people developed some immunity to specific germs. Techniques, technology, and
superior weapons along with resistances of immunity impelled these organized organizations to
commence in determined programs of expansion. This led to repeated exploitation and
conquering of New Guineans especially those who were geographically stopped from the