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Project Management
Question 1.
A scope statement and a work breakdown structure are vital in the management of any
project. A scope statement includes the purpose of the project, the top-level scope of work, and
the outputs from the project. The scope statement is vital because it ensures that the project’s
purpose is achieved, and adequate work is done. A work break down structure helps to break
down the scope statement by subdividing the main project deliverables for control and
management purposes (Turner 132). The work breakdown structure is necessary because it
enables better control of the project (Turner 132). By developing the work definition in a
structured way, ensures that only work that is vital to the project delivery is done and not work
that was forecasted months earlier and is no longer necessary. A work breakdown structure also
promotes coherent delegation of tasks (Turner 132). This ensures that each product is assigned to
an individual group and thus experts can maintain their integrity while setting measurable
targets. Consequently, progress in a research project can be controlled because only intermediate
results are measurable. Furthermore, the work breakdown structure helps to avoid a scenario
whereby a project manager is giving out instructions to experts in a field he or she has no
experience in.