Distance learning is a new platform in the education system. It saves time and money for
individuals who cannot afford traditional education. People living in the remote areas are the
most favored group because they do not have to travel long distances to attend lessons. Distance
education has become accessible because of the current technological development. People can
use websites as well as social media platforms for learning purposes. However, distance learning
does not favor many people in various ways. This type of education is not convenient for
demonstrations because there is no face-to-face communication. It is, therefore, important to
analyze both the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning to the learners.
Pros of Education
Convenient for the Learners
The emergence of the internet makes distance learning accessible for the vast majority of
students. Students can have lessons from their home or working stations. Electronic devices
distribute teaching materials and enhance the interaction between teachers and students. Other
technological formats that learners can use to receive information include televisions,
teleconferencing, and social sites. Students can ask for clarification using the electronic devices.
Since the emergence of this learning platform, the enrollment of distance learners increases each
year. They can complete their degree programs alongside attending to family and work
commitments. They are therefore able to set the convenient time to undertake their lessons.
Lee Chao, Open Source Mobile Learning: Mobile Linux Applications (Hershey, PA:
Information Science Reference, 2011), 71.