Surname 3
from a well to do family. Through his childhood, his family has worked hard to ensure that he
gets the best in life. His family lives in the wealthy suburbs surrounding Jersey City, and
therefore detrimental influence is insufficient. As a young toddler, John had been stubborn, and
he only enjoyed the company of his parents or his elder sister.
Through the developed skills, John can now switch on and off the television, dance
accordingly to the songs played on the television, and he is also conversant and much interested
in finger touching her parent's smart phones (AUTONOMY) (Mobley, 121). Again John appears
to be so choosy when been dressed; he can recognize the very best clothes he has and even wears
the pair of youngster slippers bought by her parents. Wearing this pair of slippers is not an easy
task for John, but her parents are so much conversant and handy to offer any assistance required.
Not to lower John’s self-esteem, his parents are willing to lower the dependency by letting him
do most parts of his day to day activities. For instance, John has developed behavioral
characteristics of standing at corners and hidden bars when having a short call. Though he is not
able to drop his pants his parents see this as a mutual development and train him even to do
toileting with encouragement and not criticizing him. John experiences no feeling of shame, low
self-esteem, and doubt in his abilities to perform his duties.
Initiative vs. Guilt
Most of the times John is just a normal kid who plays with his toys and even talks with
his parents, but on sudden occasions, he changes and becomes aggressive. In circumstances
when his parents show too much attention towards his sister his attitude changes and a slight
provocation leads to a fight. His teachers and friends have also proved evident to this habit as it
happens not only at home but also in school. The teachers thought John was unable to lead
others which were not the case but his need seems to be based on (ATTENTION) and being