Article 1: The Secret of Effective Motivation by Amy Wrzesniewski and Barry Schwartz in
The New York Times, July 4, 2014,
Summary of the Article
The article shows that there are two ways in which people are motivated to engaged in a
given activity. They include the internal motives and the instrumental motives. The article
provides an example of a scientist who conducts research in a given phenomenon. The scientist
may, therefore, be more interested in conducting the research because she wishes to be renown.
Fame and science are normally viewed to bear a close relationship with each other. The
instrumental motive for the research on the ability to solve a given problem as will be established
by the research process. The article details that for success to be attained in engaging in a given
activity, people have the need to take advantage of the two motives. The two motives are likely
to complement each other, thereby, pushing a person to focus more on the right steps that are
likely to improve on the success of the given task they are undertaking.
How the Article is Related to Our Class
The article relates to the chapter nine concept of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is based
on the ability of a given employee to find fun in carrying out a given activity. The employee
needs to realize success. He also needs to determine that he is personally benefiting from the
activity. Thus, through the application of the internal and instrumental motives. Thus, the
employee will have the chance to determine the influence that the job has had on him. He may