place. Cyber bullying is not limited to just the people living in a certain jurisdiction, as there are
numerous people operating online around the universe.
An independent policing institution will help in the quick tracing of the source where the
cyber bully is operating from or main area code in which the cybercrime is usually perpetrated
from. With such kind of resources to make a quick trace, the said institution can prove then lias
with authority mandated with administering public safety in the jurisdiction to move swiftly in
response and take action on the perpetrator of the crime.
Dealing with cyber bullying is not an easy task however and requires a combined effort
and a huge amount of resources ranging from finances, manpower and facilities for the same.
Since all of the Cybercrime happens online, the policing institution should thus be facilitated
with resources that enhance harnessing of online intelligence network and information. The
institutions must also be allowed to partner with the private sector that handles and deals with
online communication and innovation. As we can all see, such measures may include the
acquisition of sate-likes to do the supervisory work.
3. Cost of solution
Tackling Cyber- crime by forming independent institution will require heavy financial
investment. Both the local government and the national government will require forming a
supplementary budget that specifically aims at setting aside funds to facilitate this activity.
(Fischer and Halibozek, 2009) The government has no doubt invested heavily in the homeland
and international security and definitely allocates a lot of funds to this exercise. There has been a
budgeting proposal by the government on U.S spending to handle cyber security for the
dissimilar government security agencies and programs. According to varying reports, the