what type of questions will be in the interview, the interviewer can speak the same language as
the interviewee, and the interviewer can apply the same information to all interviewees (Adler &
Clark, 2015).
For sampling purposes, I would first need to get in contact with the Central Station in
Breda management. If that were not possible, I would use my networks (twitter, facebook,
Instagram and Link in) to recruit passengers for an interview. The thing that I would have to
watch out for is generalizability. If some of the travelers recruited and identified, there is a pretty
good chance I cannot apply the results from those travelers who rarely use Central Station in
Breda. Another thing I have to look out for is how I question, respond and act in the interview
because it could affect how an interviewee responds to a question. One way to avoid this is to
establish a rapport with the interviewees (Alexander & Hamilton, 2015). I can create a rapport
through matching. The theory behind pairing is that if the interviewer and interviewee are from
similar backgrounds, the chance of an affinity might increase (Adler & Clark, 2015). It would be
unethical to lie to an interviewee about my experience, so I should become familiarized with the
history of my interviewees to lower the differences between us. Interviewees who differ from
their interviewers on essential characteristics tend to give different answers and answer
dishonestly. If I establish a rapport, the interviewee might feel guilty in responding dishonestly.
Faulty memories and miscommunication are the most significant validity concerns in qualitative
interviewing (Adler & Clark, 2015). For dealing with miscommunication, I would have to say
my thoughts about the meanings about what my interviewees said. In response, my interviewees
can tell me if I understood what they were trying to convey.
The most significant ethical concern would be to get verbal consent from my
interviewees. Verbal consent would be better for me because I can explain the purpose of the