Sun 2
within a community, a continuous grouping of people who have common interests. Lastly,
social media encourages users’ participation concerning a situation. For example, for every
post or response on Twitter and Facebook, there is already space where people are
encouraged to post their responses.
Stages of crisis and role of social media in crisis management
The pre-crisis involves an organization’s activities to prevent risks from
escalating into potential crises (Maresh-Fuehrer & Smith 625; Panagiotopoulos at al. 88). The
organization examines past crises and assesses its vulnerability to the apparent risks, prepares
a plan for crisis management and conducts drills and simulations. Identifying potential crises
is a difficult task for organizations because of the huge number of indirect channels like
Twitter and Facebook that crisis managers have to keep track to collect data from the public
(Maresh-Fuehrer & Smith 625). Using social media to identify potential risks from the public
is very important because if the public believes that there is a risk, they will act in a way that
they are cognizant of the risk. The public can submit their opinions on the risks in real time
which facilitates the speedy identification of the risk so that an appropriate response can be
mounted. Additionally, using the public to identify risks and potential solutions builds trust
Commented [A6]:
What about the erroneous message
about a missile strike in Hawaii this term?
Commented [A7]:
Paragraphing is too dense.
between the organization and the public which makes management of risks and crises easy.
According to Maresh-Fuehrer and Smith (2015), crisis communication plans require
structures that allow for reviewing and updating (625). Information sharing networks like
Twitter and Facebook are efficient and effective tools for obtaining new opinions which can
then be included in the planning process. As such, social media plays a key role during the
pre-crisis stage in that it can be used to assess potential risks from the public’s perspective
and for formulating potential solutions in a manner that involves the public.