researcher to acquire quantitative data. To achieve the goal of the study, the respondents were
recruited through use of purposive sampling. The targeted group was people who have pursued
Masters in Social Works, whether they had advanced their skills by pursuing licensure or not. To
make the sampling procedure effective, the study followed five basic steps; identifying the target
population, specifying a sample frame, specifying sampling method, determining the size and
implementing the plan. The target population, in this case, were the social workers. A sampling
frame was the MSW graduates, the sampling method is purposive sampling, the population size
involves 200 participants, and finally, the research was carried out. Moreover, the study included
graduates, thus excluding undergraduates. The informed consent will be through persuading and
offering financial incentives to the participants. In a light of the fact, the research requires informed
consent because the participants are probably working, therefore, they require sufficient time to
prepare as well as financial compensation for their time. I will obtain informed consent from
participants one month prior to the actual research day by through sending official letters and calls
as well (Mariano 2014).
Data collection
The data for this study will be collected through surveys which entailed calling them and
sending email messages. The aim of this is to ascertain the number of licensed and unlicensed
social workers and their experience in the job market. Each participant will be required to respond
to the phone call as well as replying the emails to obtain adequate and accurate data. This method
is appropriate for this study because, the population size is large, therefore, bringing them together
will be costly since some will have to travel. Moreover, the method is appropriate in the data
collection if the following steps are followed keenly. I will decide on the research goals, create the
list of questions, invite the participants, gather responses, analyze and write the report. In this