1. Effect of bioremediation and biosurfactants on the bioavailability of polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons sorbed to soil
Research Question: How is the bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons sorbed to
soil affected by biosurfactants and bioremediation?
2. How biosurfactants affect the desorption of PAHs which are sorbed in black
activated carbon
Research Question: What is the effect of biosurfactants on desorption of Polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons when sorbed in activated and black carbon?
3. Antimicrobial, characterization, and remediation properties of bacterial
Research Question: How is biosurfactant produced from different bacteria and what is their
effect in the metal bioremediation?
4. Role of surfactants in bioremediation and treatment of wastewater
Research Question: What role do surfactants play in bioremediation and what properties
make them suitable for treatment of wastewater? The process involved is also addressed.
5. Impact of river sediment on the biodegradation kinetics of surfactants and non-
Research Question: How does sediment enhance surfactant biodegradation? This study is
conducted in the context of environmental acceptability and the design of biodegradability
6. Impact of surfactants on the biodegradation and bioavailability of contaminants
within soils