Jeannont 13
They also have to under very strict background checks so that all those people who are either
mentally ill or have had priors are not allowed to possess handguns as they are the ones who
conduct criminal activities using the guns. Police should look into local problem concerning
handgun related incident, these are compromise that can have a big impact on this issue. Instead,
focusing on other critical issue regarding legislation laws and following the provided
jurisdictions to the latter will see a great impact in realization of a crime free nation with great
response to insecurity issues as they arise in the society.
To sum up, the time when every American citizen needed a gun has passed. People should only
be allowed to use guns in extreme cases such as self-defense. For this, they should be allowed to
own handguns, but after undergoing very strict background checks. The society has to be made
safe for the public. Moreover, it is also the mandate of the individuals in the society to be in
charge of their own security and ensure that any form of cautious movement or maneuvers
realized in the society with a seemingly bad intention of causing insecurity or violence. Such
instances should be reported immediately to the relevant authorities available. These authorities
should as well provide emergency contact channels for handling such incidences.
Gun control and related violence in US has been a major challenge which is spreading globally
with much loopholes and faulty systems of acquiring and licensing firearms which is against the
expectations of global socio-economic cohesion. From the context, there needs to be abrupt
efforts that should be observed to enhance understanding of security issues in the society with
much focus being given to civilians who often lack the knowledge on their security and gun
related crime. The number of illegal firearms should be reduced and if possible confiscation of
all illegal firearms done to reduce the number of criminally related gun deaths.