force, intolerance, rigid employees and lack of creativity. Despite short term gains being
achieved, authoritarian leaders tend to lead to organizational failure in the long-term because of
the quick decisions that they take. Decisions taken hurriedly often tend to neglect the input of all
stakeholders and the consequences of the actions in future.
Authoritarian leaders are often quite demanding. The excessive demands imply that they
are not ready to listen to failure. Because they highly value results, they lead to the development
of a culture of egocentrism, talks with hidden plans, and artificial successes. The effect is that
employees become de-motivated and unproductive. Authoritarian leadership traits do not
resonate with the motivational theories such as the two-factor theory and the contingency
theories (Morand, 2014). This results into embedment of internal competition, corruption, greed
and hostility in the work environment. The organizational climate is negatively impacted to an
extent that any element of fairness and equality disappear. Employees commence riding on the
successes of their colleagues while engaging in fights as they try to get to the top of the corporate
ladder. For example, in 1998, Steve Samek, partner of Arthur Andersen, initiated the 2X rule.
The rule required that each partner had to generate at least two times revenue from other business
that were beyond their main scope of work. It led to intense pressure within the business and
influenced employees to engage in malicious activities. The result was the emergence of scandals
such as Enron. In other words, the pressure imposed on the employees led to a negative internal
climate that compelled them to engage in any activity, whether ethical or unethical, that could
enable them to achieve the unrealistic targets (Schein, 2010). Authoritarianism is an
inappropriate trait for students who would like to succeed in their future leadership careers. It
may be effective in some situations but only occasionally since the participatory management
styles have become more ideal.