related to the following aspects; organizational issues, individual issues managerial issues and Planning
consequences. (Alashloo, Castka, & Sharp, 2005; Alexander, 1985, 1991; Al- Ghamdi, 1998; Köseoğlu,
Barca, Karayormuk, & Edas, 2009; Jiang & Carpenter, 2013).
A. Planning consequences
Various researchers have acknowledged openly or ultimately that the prosperity of strategic
execution is, to begin with, a suitable articulated plan by establishing strategic goals that are
determinable in the course of a given period (Alexander, 1985, 1991; Al-Ghamdi, 1998; Alashloo,
Castka, & Sharp, 2005; De Feo, & Janssen, 2001; Köseoğlu, Barca, Karayormuk, & Edas, 2009). Also,
according to Alexander (1991), the formulated notions must be fundamentally sound instead of just
being carefully strategized. What it means is that a strategy must map to the institution, service or
industry and certain circumstance. No additional period and effort consumed on execution can provide
a solution to a strategic resolution that is not properly articulated to start with (Alexander, 1991;
Köseoğlu, Barca, Karayormuk, 2009). In fact, the fruitful execution of strategic management also
incorporates performing the things that assist nurture realization.
B. Organizational Issues
Fruitful execution of a plan is to ensure that structural abilities are well-matched with the
structural structure, abilities of workers, assets, and rewards utilized to inspire workers (Alexander,
1991; Noble, 1999; Sterling, 2003). Many researchers concentrated on message due to the fact that
strategies must be well comprehended by workers before any action is applied.
Two-way communication between workers and managers is significant as is resulting in
understanding the strategy, hastily response and right response