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instrument, the Standard Rules represent a strong moral and political commitment of
Governments to take action to attain equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities.
The rules serve as an instrument for policy-making and as a basis for technical and economic
The Standard Rules consists of 22 rules summarizing the message of the World Programme of
Action. The Rules incorporate the human rights perspective which had developed during the
Decade. The 22 rules concerning persons of disabilities consist of four chapters - preconditions
for equal participation, target areas for equal participation, implementation measures, and the
monitoring mechanism - and cover all aspects of life of persons with disabilities.
The Standard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities provides
for the appointment of a Special Rapporteur to monitor the implementation of the Rules.
2.6 The Draft Equity Bill (2000)
The bill which aims to combat discrimination faced by various groups, including people with
disabilities prohibits employers from paying employees differently for work of equal value.
Women and men with disabilities can and want to be productive members of society. In both
developed and developing countries, promoting more inclusive societies and employment
opportunities for people with disabilities requires improved access to basic education, vocational
training relevant to labour market needs and jobs suited to their skills, interests and abilities, with
adaptations as needed. Many societies are also recognizing the need to dismantle other barriers -
making the physical environment more accessible, providing information in a variety of formats,
and challenging attitudes and mistaken assumptions about people with disabilities.
This policy therefore serves as a framework to guide HCDA in achieving commitment to be a
disability responsive employer as envisioned in the draft bill by mainstreaming and/or integrating
disability issues to deliberately and strategically reduce activity limitation, participation
restriction and capacity building for management, staffs and stakeholders as well as
institutionalizing disability mainstreaming principles which are Equity, Inclusion,
Participation, Access and Accountability.
2.6 The Persons with Disabilities Act (2003)
The act is a comprehensive law covering rights, rehabilitation and equal opportunities for people
with disabilities. It creates the National Council of Persons with Disabilities as a statutory organ
to oversee the welfare of persons with disabilities. The Law also requires that both public and