much power in his hands. In this case, for not taking an active role in the oversight of
financial operations, the Board of Directors was criticized.
The Audit Committee assists with the oversight of financial transactions in Post-SOX.
Also, the Audit Committee's primary responsibilities and duties are to facilitate communication
between the Board of Directors, the management, and the independent auditors, to monitor the
integrity of financial reporting. Companies have had to re-evaluate system processes having to
do with economic data and with information technology to comply with Section 404. They must
ensure data security and integrity of financial data. Internal controls to ensure safety and integrity
must be well-maintained, established and documented (Reed, 2014). Also, employee rights must
be considered to such data. Employees' permissions and rights must not be sufficient to allow
misrepresentation or fraud of financial data. They also have had to ensure that procedures of
accounting are followed efficiently and consistently throughout the organization. Management
has to ensure that they can specify a problem, determine the severity, and communicate the
problem to others as soon as possible to attest to these controls.
Also, Section 402 of the act makes it illegal for any issuer to maintain or extend credit in
a personal loan form to executive officers or directors of the sender. Also, it becomes unlawful
for those officers even to solicit, indirectly or directly, these types of loans. The rule extends to
credit and solicitations acquired at subsidiary companies as well. Regarding code of ethics
requirement, Section 406 of SOX outlines requirements for the code of ethics for financial
officers who are senior. A system of ethics involves the standards which are necessary to
promote compliance with applicable governmental rules and regulations. Any alterations to the
code of ethics which are established must be disclosed promptly to the public via the internet as
an electronic means.