Surname 1
Student’s Name
Tutor’s Name
Reading Report
The central question that is answered by the speaker is how to develop a professional
attitude and commitment to a scientific career. The speaker highlights scientific bureaucracy and
external influences such as politics as some of the adverse factors that impact the development of
careers in science among learners. He notes that commitment to career fulfillment in science
should transcend the stated prevalent challenges. The speaker emphasizes that scientists should
develop resilient personalities that allow them to devote to their work amidst challenges from
internal or external elements.
The text emphasizes that to achieve career success, students should perceive science as an
experience rather than an academic discipline. In this vein, he explains that the development of a
personal connection with science allows students to persevere and overcome prevalent
challenges. The speaker identifies political interference and recognition as the outstanding
challenges that face scholars in pursuit of a career in science. Reward systems for scientists are
unfair and that scholars who have achieved less success in the field may often be recognized
ahead of more deserving colleagues (Weber 138). Consequently, he notes that scientists should
develop a personality that enables them to transcend the challenges and pursue career excellence.
The speaker counsels perseverance and the perception of science as a life-long experience
rather than an academic discipline. The text is relevant to themes presented in science and
technology in the sense that the two are continually evolving fields that require a holistic